Fake news
While whites grovel before George Floyd’s body a-mold’ring in its golden coffin, the next Humiliation Ritual is underway. The ground dutifully paved by HBO’s newly woke Watchmen series, the spectacularly dubbed “Tulsa Race Massacre,” will now be added to the litany of feast days in post-white America [The devastation of the Tulsa Race Massacre, by DeNeen Brown, Washington Post, May 28, 2021]. This event occurred when armed blacks, fearful that a black suspect might be lynched, went to the courthouse, where they were met by whites. (Whites fought back in those days). The day after Memorial Day, President Joe Biden will go to Tulsa to rub America’s nose in the event [Biden to visit Tulsa for Black Wall Street massacre centennial, by Brittany Shepard, Washington Post, May 26, 2021