Did you see PART 2 of it? They aired it after PART 1, and at the end of it they suggest that the guy with the PIG FARM and the SON (who says he's a RECLUSE) is Q because of the desire that he has to collect INK PENS.
This DOCUMENTARY also appears to have been written more for someone who actually CARES about what these NUT JOBS believe-- or for someone who would actually CARE about who Q is suppose to be-- than for others who don't give a damn about the IDENTITY of the Q person -- or for someone who is mostly only interested in what makes people so GULLIBLE and so EASILY MANIPULATED that they'd chose to believe in the kind of CRAP that they're being fed by someone that they also know NOTHING about.
In other words, it's NOT the LITTLE GUY with the BONE DISEASE, but the PIG FARMER that they indicate is Q.
But of course with another 4 episodes still left to go, they're most likely also going to DEBUNK that theory about the INK PEN COLLECTING PIG FARMER and move on to suggesting that it's someone else (which is probably also the reason why one review says its a BORING 2 HOUR STORY that's been STRETCHED OUT to a way too lengthy 6 HOUR story).