Finale Season 1

nice to see an A+ actor in the role of the head of the cartel,

if they continue down this road in the second season it will be 10X better than all this BS with the wife/daughter cringe crap or the nonsense relationship between gumby and the latina widow


Not a big fan of the streaming shows, but this one about halfway through S1 started to get good.


I have only watched one episode but my interest was nearly derailed by the eye rolling daughter character. I’m going to watch a few more episodes and see if I can put that character aside


the mother and daughter character arc is totally pointless and prob can be edited out. Cooper hooking up with the mexican chick was stupid too. you can prob edit all that out and have a 3 hour movie.


It and he were great....I fast forward through the wife/daughter and son with the widow.
