MovieChat Forums > Landman (2024) Discussion > Using Stillson wrench wrong

Using Stillson wrench wrong

I've used Stillsons a lot in many and varied situations, and never bashed them with a hammer - you use a short piece of scrap pipe (which is a common thing for a crew like that to have in their vehicle for use as a lever/wedge/roller/etc etc) to extend the handle or you get a bigger set (which they had, TEN SECONDS away).

Hammering is a last resort - unless you're really into wrecking equipment and creating unnecessary hazards.

Then in E2, the grizzled experienced old boss is not only bashing the wrench with a hammer but also, ffs, using it backwards!

Is there no one there on the set with a tiny bit of engineering/mechanical nous? To perhaps say, "Hey don't do it like that. That makes us look really stupid and lazy". Shows like this and Yellowstone are about rugged manly men, and nonsense like this is embarrassing.

Billy Bob seems the type who might be good with his hands and have some interest in tinkering and tools - enough to at least know which way around a pipe wrench goes, but maybe I'm way off the mark there.


I noticed both of these issues and totally agree. A "cheater bar" as I've used is the real way to get leverage. I guess the writers needed a spark somehow.


That's true, they did need a spark.

I'd have gone with a bad tempered guy on the wrench getting exasperated and dropping/tossing it aside while he waits for the longer one, causing a spark against the concrete pad or another section of pipe.

Flogging it with a hammer like that (he didn't even have it by the end of the handle to maximize leverage) while two other supposedly capable workers stand a foot away staring at him was so silly.


Yeah, you totally hit that on the head. I was bothered by both. I paused the show each time to complain to gf about both issues. Lol


Ha, I was watching while spending some time with my elderly mother (she loves yellowstone and this), and it seemed kinda pointless to bring it up to her.
