MovieChat Forums > I, Frankenstein (2014) Discussion > This was a Hot Mess......

This was a Hot Mess......


From the get go with the shallow voiceover introduction, to the mix of stories (Gargoyles vs Demons vs Frankenstein's monster) the poor CGI effects, the really bad makeup job that looked unintentionally funny to the main character's story to the predictable cliche'd ending, and the acting..Oh My....

I was thinking about Van Helsing al along the way comparing them, only I was comparing who had done it WORSE.....

How this movie was made, pitched to studio excecs and eventually completed and screened is a true understanding of why is Hollywood is nothing but a city full monkeys with enormous salaries.

IN this day and age, this story could've gone soooo much better in another direction... It was totally cringeworthy...

And I was actually expecting it to be at least a bit enjoyable, like those Underworld movies.....


Just watched it and I can not fathom how the hell this was pitched and then green-lighted?????


I'll take a wild guess and say it was pitched at one of those fancy liquid lunch meetings by drunken people to other drunken people and they celebrated their decision to green-light it by getting more drunk. Or possibly change the word 'drunk' with 'high/stoned'. Or maybe even someone had blackmail material on someone and threatened to release what they know unless they let this movie be made. The blackmail stuff would have been less of an embarrassment than what got released to the public.

If I hadn't been drunk while watching this movie I would have gotten drunk afterwards to stop myself from asking why I watched it. Why the hell did I choose to watch it?? I don't think I was that drunk to make that bad a decision. Oh god why did I do it? I'm gonna go back to banging my head on the table


This is from a comic novel from Kevin Grevioux. He also co-created the characters and co-wrote the original Underworld movie and franchise . The movies have a cult following and they all involve pitting monster legions against each other. Looks like Underworld ran it's course so they wanted to try something different.

I agree this is quite a mess even on paper. Not the worst thing I've seen by a longshot. Interesting to watch but the production just couldn't do it justice. Poor vfx and animation.
