MovieChat Forums > I, Frankenstein (2014) Discussion > Boring, couldn't get through it. Just l...

Boring, couldn't get through it. Just lots of exploding demons...

This movie was awful, I couldn't make it halfway. The fight scenes were rubbish, just the same effects over and over again - he hits a demon and it disappears in a ball of flames. Absolutely terrible!

The Frankenstein make up was lame, he just had some scars on his face. The story wasn't engaging in the slightest. I didn't expect much from this movie due to the ratings, but on occasion I have found ratings to be wrong and enjoyed a low rated movie. Not in this case!


I've watched it in 2 parts/2 days, like a mini series, yeah its rubbish.

It strongly reminded me "Lincoln the Vampire killer" that the script, story, plot most of the actors the lot...were/are rubbish....but there were some truly brilliant ideas about fights, CGI, fight choreographies, places were the fights take place etc etc... unfortunately they failed to transfer properly this ideas to screen too.


I actually enjoyed Lincoln, it was better than I thought it'd be. I just couldn't get into this movie though, it seemed like nothing of interest was happening. And the effects seemed to repeat themselves a lot, once I've seen a demon catch fire I don't really want to watch it over and over lol.



I just saw Pompeii and I, Frankenstein back to back, and now I want to gouge my eyes out.

Working in the movie business since -92


I thought Pompei was way better tbh. Although it wasn't great.


Exactly- what idiot partnership between producer and director thinks CGI means having a key effect repeated endlessly in every scene from the start of the movie to the end. These guys REALLY should watch again the classics to see how mistaken they are.

The best VFX movies, from before and after the rise of CGI, find new things to show us as the film progresses, and respect the maxim "less is more".

"Odd Thomas" (actually quite a good movie) had exactly the same issue. A brilliant spectral demon effect that the damned movie then had to place in almost every action shot.

Anyway, accepting the story was rubbish, here are a few things even a poor film could have gotten better.

-very poor design for Frankenstein's monster (did anyone think he was made from parts harvested from different corpses?)

-moronic overuse of the fire-trail CGI when a demon 'dies' and 'descends'

-excessively poor work on the gargoyles in flight/hovering (terrible cloned wing animation, and PS2-level character rendering, so these parts could be in 'true' 3D)

-the 'big bad' (the machine with all the corpses waiting for their demon souls) becoming an irrelevant go-nowhere tease.


Yeah, boring, he didn't even sing 'Puttin' on the Ritz'.

You don't choose the soy sauce, the soy sauce chooses you.
