MovieChat Forums > I, Frankenstein (2014) Discussion > SPOILERS- question about the end

SPOILERS- question about the end

So, I know it's not explained well at any point, but how is it Adam gets a soul again?


From what I understood in the movie, Adam didn't have a soul when he was created since he was able to kill the captain gargoyle. However he is earned a soul through his actions later where he risks his life to save the girl and protect humanity from the demons selflessly. Seems like he showed his humanity and goes along with what the leader gargoyle said about him having a chance to earn a soul.


You may be correct. It's actually deliberately ambiguous as to whether he had a soul all along (hinted at in the prequel graphic novel) or if he gained one in the course of the film. See my above post for details.


I thought he was able to kill the first demon because he grabbed a piece of metal that was shaped like the symbol that gave the other weapons the power to kill demons and stabbed the demon with it. It may have been an unusually shaped grave marker cross.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


This is actually deliberately debatable, especially if you read the prequel graphic novel.

In the actual Frankenstein novel he definitely has a soul or rather no one questions that he has one and he, himself, believes that he does. He's highly spiritual in the original Mary Shelley novel.

In the film Leonore says "I did not see a soul, I saw the potential for one." However the Gargoyles have been wrong about who has a soul or not before

See the free graphic novel I, Frankenstein Genesis for details (You can find it via Google search). In I, Frankenstein Genesis the gargoyles are nearly tricked into killing actual humans who have been placed among the demon ranks. If a gargoyle attempts to kill a human being (or something with a soul) he will die instead.

Now let's look at when Giddeon dies. When Giddeon dies he more or less lands on his own blade. As he's dying he utters "God will surely damn you." Now how could Adam be damned if he does not have a soul? It's hinted that in the moment of his death Giddeon realized that Adam had a soul all along.

The alternative answer is that Adam gained a soul because he cared about others. Compassion, kindness, these are what earn you a soul according to some spiritual lore.

I like that it's ambiguous as to whether he really had one all along or not but you can't tell that this is even hinted at unless you've read the prequel graphic novel.
