MovieChat Forums > I, Frankenstein (2014) Discussion > Idiotic! Why on earth would she.. spoile...

Idiotic! Why on earth would she.. spoiler

The queen.. after keeping "Adam" alive in the beginning, against her better judgment, when she didn't even know him, and had plenty of reasons to kill him..

Then all of a sudden, when he's finally helping her, he clearly cares, he's trying to help not only a particular human, but Also ALL humans... THEN she tries to kill him?!?!

It's so *beep* stupid, I'm almost at a loss for words.. it's just plain weird, and not really believable..


Maybe she got a sudden menopause, and crazy at the some time.


She and the rest of the gargoyles didn't realize that the demons had been collecting tens of thousands of human corpses to animate into at the beginning. Then they realized that the demons could use either the journal or Adam to study and help them succeed in animating the corpses. She thought it was too risky to let him live and potentially be captured for study.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


I had a problem with this part as well. I can understand her having a hard time trusting him to do the right thing but it would make more sense to have someone follow him. Adam was not willing to give them the location to the demon headquarters until him and the human woman was put safe. If Adam trusted her enough to to give the location but also asked help for the human she would probably have trusted him more. But still sending one of her solders to kill him was stupid on her part.

I also didn't understand why she didn't burn the book in the beginning instead of trying to keep it safe. She thought the process was too dangerous and also wrong against God so no reason to not burn it.

When the demons attacked her home to get to Adam, why didn't they simply fly Adam away at that point and let them see him go. It is not like the demons could keep up on foot or fly themselves. She wouldn't have been kidnapped, lost all those soldiers. The vault was secure and private so it isn't like they could have taken anything from there if they all left. I doubt they would take the weapons since it would only kill them.

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To be honest, I don't like the queen. At all! In fact, she was pretty much useless (in my opinion) up until she actually got off of her rear end (so to speak) and did something useful.


Also..The Creature was chastised by the Queen for fighting demons in the open (which he actually did in the middle of a forest). She told him "Our war is fought in private away from human eyes" or words to that effect..five minutes later there's a huge battle right outside and around the cathedral-which is slap bang in the centre of the city! WTF? Flaming demons going down, brilliant white light Gargoyles ascending..and NO ONE sees any of this?
