Seriously, people?

I am amazed when movies like this, which are just fun...they're comic books with sound...are criticized for having 'plot holes' and 'not enough depth'. Get real! Movies like this are made to be enjoyed for over-the-top action, silly premises, fantasy creatures, and predictable outcomes. As I said before, they are comic books, not serious cinema. They have their place. Just enjoy the ride and a few laughs.


I agree 100%


No, it's 100% blasphemy! Some douchebag Hollywood writer decided to 4 or 5 different, classic stories and pervert them into this garbage for kids and people with impaired mental capacities.

I see Stupid People...


Only works if you are ten years old, and have never seen such a movie before. Most of us have a significant lifetime of watching hundreds of genre movies, and will always compare the best with soulless dreck like this.

I, Frankenstein (and the film has endless dialogue 'apologising- for this stupid title- there must be at least ten painful occasions where characters in the movie are forced to explain that they know the doctor is called Frankenstein, not the monster) is a lazy, cynical collision of what third rate producers THINK is the appeal of the 'Blade' movies and the 'Underworld' ones.

As a result, I, Frankestein has no story of its own. And no story means no-one cares about character development. Just endless, tedious CGI battles, where the same visual effects are too the forefront from the start of the movie to the end.

Van Helsing was a bomb, and rightfully so. This film seems to exist so the producers can say "hey, look what we can do on only 1/3 of the budget".


Exactly! When people over analyze movies like this, I feel sorry for them. You wasted 8 bucks (or 5 if rented lol) all you had to do was sit back and enjoy a stupid movie. It wasn't meant to change your life, lol


Fun?! The movie was so freaking boring and overly-serious!


100% agree.

Deja Poo - The feeling that you've heard this crap before.- Iamalwayslost


Agreed. Just saw this movie and loved it. Tons of fun.

Tom & Benedict


Yeah, they have their place in the five dollar bin.

If you want a fun over-the-top-action movie, there are plenty far better than this one.



A film could be forgiven for it plot holes if it was not so serious and po-faced and lacking any fun at all. This was dull and unengaging which gave plenty of time to spot the flaws.


Yeah, I'd heard it was pretty pants but wanted to make up my own mind. Must confess is was pretty piss poor. It redeemed itself slightly with nice Steampunk FX in the body storage place and some better than average CGI but story wise and acting wise it was very poor.
