MovieChat Forums > I, Frankenstein (2014) Discussion > Um.....where were the townsfolk

Um.....where were the townsfolk

This secret battle took place right in the middle of the city. It was clearly populated because there were lights everywhere. Yet not a single person was seen, and no one saw all the gargoyles flying around putting on a 4th of July show? And where the hell was the daytime.

I try not to over-think these types of movies so I can enjoy them, but I couldn't help but wonder how the hell do stone gargoyles fly.

I took the movie for what it was worth and enjoyed it. I wanna see a second one since "Adam" has come of age and is ready to kick some ass.

BIll Nighy is an incredible actor. This type of stuff is really beneath him.


Just what to agree with everything you said!


And yet he was in the first Underworld which was nowhere near as good as this, as well as the horrific Pirates 3.


I was also wondering all the time: WHERE THE HECK ARE THE PEOPLE OF THIS HUGE CITY? No police? No civilians? Not even a bum or a cab driver who sees all this?


The one man police force got killed by the demon when Adam went into the alley.

It is hard not to sound condescending when you are explaining things to an idiot!


Just watched this last night, and I was thinking the same thing. I chalked it up to them not having the budget to display a large police force responding or anything. But in this day and age, it was weird that there weren't more spectators in general, or that none of this ended up on the internet.


Because most people are so involved in their own lives or their face in front of a TV, computer, or smart phone that they are oblivious to what is going on outside.

Come visit my


everyone was in movie theaters, not watching this movie, duh.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


People are too busy staring at their iphones to look up.
