MovieChat Forums > I, Frankenstein (2014) Discussion > spolier alert and a question

spolier alert and a question

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Beside the fact that this movie is an awful mess, how or why does Adam have a soul? A lot of this movie didn't make any sense at all and I'm not going to list them because someone probably already did, but that soul thing tops it all.


Yep, that wasn't explained other than he found his purpose. But I believe the film was implying he had a soul from day 1. How that is I don't know.

There's no way he developed or gained it considering he acted pretty much the same from when he was created.


If that was the case then the demon's plan would fail from the getgo. He'd just create a bunch of confused, immortal captain americas.

"World needs bad men. We keep the other bad men from the door."


Wrong the dvd commentary says otherwise it says he started out void with out a soul or spirit but over time it grew as he began to act selfless


He was willing to sacrifice his life to save that of an innocent. The gargoyle queen said when she first saw him that she saw the potential for a soul in his eyes. My guess is that it was there, just very weak. He found a purpose in saving mankind and was willing to sacrifice himself to save the female scientist and that gave power to the soul and stopped the demon from possessing him. This type of redemption has been mentioned or done in nearly every movie with sci-if religious elements. Figured it would be pretty obvious to the audience by now.


Exactly, but to the folks complaining about this film, it wouldn't be obvious where any mountains were if they were standing in the middle of the Tetons and everything wasn't spelled out to them just like on Sesame Street.
