MovieChat Forums > I, Frankenstein (2014) Discussion > What are people looking for in a movie?

What are people looking for in a movie?

I ask this question because the movies I find good, MANY find terrible - like this one.....I saw this movie on Sunday afternoon with my husband and I saw it AGAIN on Sunday night. I saw it YET AGAIN last night. I thought it was a GREAT movie, and my husband thought so too. I don't usually watch the same movie more that once in a day, so that's says something.

The casting of the leading man and woman is very important to me. I loved Aaron Eckhart in it and I loved the leading my opinion, she's an ideal female lead. I'm glad there wasn't much gore and blood. I wish there was a tiny bit of romance, but I understand there was a story to tell and there wasn't much time for romance. I thought the storyline was interesting and the acting was good overall.



Gore, blood, sex, violence, drugs, alcohol, salaciousness, the kinds of things that they would have had to sneak behind their parents' backs to watch. Take all that away, and it's an awful story.

Not my view, personally, but judging that based on the few things I've read and then assumed from the people that don't like the story.



Oh I don't know. I'm old enough to be your grandma and my favorite show is The Walking Dead.

I do like old classic movies and fantasy and some sci fi. I came here to see what this movie was, it came out and then disappeared.


If you thought this was a great movie then there really is no hope for the future. This was just a digital crapfest with a loosely coherent story that was thrown together as an excuse to have a bunch of digital junk.
The name Frankenstein was attached to this purely in an attempt to get viewers.


You see thats where your wrong. As told in the special the features of this movie, they have made a decent plot of the film which some films don't either have or suceed in making. Also, the visual effects in my opinion where stunning to watch. The makers of this film made not only effects but real effects too. I don't care if you or anyone else hates this film, but with movies, there will always be people who hate and people who like. And I just happen to enjoy this film as if it were like any other.


Hate is a strong word for this movie. Decent is also a strong word for the plot. I don't hate this movie, I was disappointed by it. Look at the cast, look at it. You should expect something more entertaining and thought-provoking than martial-arts Frankenstein's Monster battling the Necromancer Industrialist and his legion of demons. I mean, come on. This might as well have been Blade 4. And I feel cheated because no Jessica Biel.

The instrument has yet to be invented that can measure my indifference to that remark.


I totally understand what you mean how I said hate is a strong word, now that I think of it ;)

I just wanted to say that I enjoyed the movie and the actors respectively, but also I woundered why some people people "disliked" it. Heck, its my type of movie! ;D Lots of action and visual effects. Well, I can totally accept that there will always be people who like and people who won't like.

All in all, I liked "I, Frankenstein" ;)


One just ahas to accept everyone has different tastes. I prefer Carrie (2013) to the 76 film. I also have enjoyed some films by Michael Bay and hated others by him. I may give this film a chance one day, but it is going to be a cheap rental no doubt.

Film Reverie:
My film diary:


Things I Want from Movies (and did this film deliver them):

Engaging characters (no; no one is really likable or relatable at all)

Well-written dialogue that feels natural and helps develop our understanding of both characters and their environment (no; this is the sort of movie where the writers won't let the characters use contractions because they think always saying "does not" instead of "doesn't" is a shortcut to some sort of gravitas. It actually just makes everyone sound like they are doing a dramatic reading of an instruction manual. Also, almost every line delivered by anyone who isn't Bill Nighy is strained and clipped like some nugget of Tolkeinesque wisdom even when it's just some piece of incidental information. It's tiresome.)

Good acting (there are some good actors, but seeing them struggle with the terrible cliché dialogue was just depressing. Nighy looks like he is going to top himself.)

A well-evoked setting (no; heavily stylised cities can still feel vibrant and real, like Gotham or *Sweeney Todd*'s London, but this nameless city is just a big, empty, soulless playground for the Demons and the Gargoyles. It seems to have almost no civilian life and its stylings are Gothic but in a way that just looks copied-and-pasted from other movies, bringing nothing of its own style).

An interesting storyline (meh; I couldn't tell whether the plot was itself bad, or whether it was just the crap dialogue and unengaging characters dragging it down, but either way, I found it hard to care about what was happening).

Good pacing (no; the plot jumps forward tens and hundreds of years in a jarring fashion, characters who - from their perspective - haven't seen each other in hundreds of years are "dramatically reunited" two minutes of screen-time after we last saw them together, scientific breakthroughs occur in one night, etc.)

Nice visuals (no; the stark lighting and "grungy" cinematography are overdone to the point of becoming boring to look at. The world looks artificial and set-bound, and everyone has some kind of distracting Photoshop sheen on their skin. The special effects are just okay but sometimes look laid on top of the scene rather than part of it.).

Internal consistency (no; the movie doesn't play by its own rules: Demons and Gargoyles talk about "fighting in the shadows" moments before having a big pitched battle with hundreds of combatants right in the middle of a city. This huge city seems to have no cops most of the time, despite the fact that we see one get killed near the start, nor does it seem to have any bystanders or witnesses whenever the streets are filled with fire and the skies with flying monsters, despite showing us busy nightclubs and glittering shots of the skyline at other times).

I can't think of anything this film did particularly well.


Good for you that youre such feeble minded people and easliy amused by crap...

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~


I look for Game Of Thrones in movies as i got fed up with hero or heroine getting redemption in ever movie after 90min, i know that never happens in real life why should it in a movie ?? i want more movies like GOT where evil and bad man wins most of the times and now and than our hero gets redemption.


I don't need a movie to be a perfect work of art, but it would be really interesting to see 1 movie that isn't a complete insult to the human intelligent.
