
On IMDB this is rated at 4.4 which is about right.

Remember Die Hard? Hans Gruber hid his true intentions behind the facade of political protest. In Under Seige, the villain's motives were also money with a side of personal revenge.

Now comes Interceptor where the white villain really is determined to burn America to the ground because it has become corrupt from within. As proof he points to the Hindu serviceman and the female soldier who was disgraced for participating in a #MeToo sting.

This is a movie that really does hit you over the head with its woke agenda.

None of this would be bad if it were overcome with some good directing... and writing... and acting. None of that here.

The villain is played by the monochromatic Luke Bracey.

As the McClane stand-in, Elsa Pataky lets her chiseled shoulders and arms do most of the acting. Her husband, Chris Hemsworth, makes a guest appearance to generate a modicum of interest in the movie. All the other actors are completely forgettable.

Not much to recommend here.


Ahahahahaha.... so they tease us with Chris Hemsworth -- this generation's poor-man's Arnold/Stallone -- but make it known that we won't be getting a buff, capable-looking white guy to save the day against the evil-white Nazi who is probably straight and Christian, too?

Pfft. This movie looked like trash in the trailers and sounds even worse in this description.


It's pissing away money on shit like this that is driving Netflix's stock down.


FACT: There was no #MeToo sting in this movie. Prove me wrong.


Define sting. She did report a superior for sexual harassment.


No comparison with Die Hard. But it reminded me a lot of Under Siege. Considering that it was an okay movie.


At least Under Siege has a naked Erika Eleniak.


True, no t&a in Interceptor...


Thankfully. It would have been guy ass.


I don't even remember Chris Hemsworth being in this.


He had one brief scene for comedic affect.


It is just f*cking awful. A left wing wet dream.
