Honest review (spoilers)


- Bobby from the Sopranos!
- The death scenes were brillant especially Shondor's death
- Jackie D's everywhere
- Danny's second wife is hot and she gets naked
- Danny's jokes..."Why do you call Italiens WOAP's...it's because when you throw s--- against the wall it goes "WOAP"
- News footage was good i had no idea why some critics bashed the news footage, it adds to the legend of Danny Greene so why not have it in there?
- Stevenson, Walker and Onoforio are great actors
- Some annoying dude gets whacked, shot to the back of the head
- Music was great even though it made the movie predictable at some point

Didn't like
- Fire on cars looked fake...CGI?
- Living in Cleveland, this doesn't look like Clevealnd, in fact it looks like Detriot not every blue collar city looks alike.

All in all a good movie and the theatre was packed..SOLD OUT, movies that released this week suck and this was one of the few movies to get a "Fresh" rating this week at RT so i don't see why it shouldn't be released nationwide


I'm all for equality, but those with mental handicaps probably shouldn't busy themselves writing...um, "reviews".

"...if that was off, I'd be whoopin' your ass up and down this street." ~ an irate Tarantino


LoL...that was funny. But seriously, whadda ...how big is the part... who plays the Carabbia's?? Seriously, he's my landlord and I'm *beefin* with him, well his sons mostly. No sh#t they forced open my front door last week *then* filed assault charges against *me*! ...and the scary thing is...the Po-Po let 'em!


From interviews with the cast and producers... there was no CGI in this film, just real cars and real bombs.Am wondering if it looks fake to you because we are so used ot seegin CGI we don;t know the real thing when we see it.


Actually, the car bombings did look really fake. I don't know what they used, but even in the opening scene it looked horrible. I guess the budget was too-too low to get anything decent.


I think when determining fake vs real car bombings most people should realize that even before CGI, car explosions, gunfire, and bombs (like in War movies) created for films looked NOTHING like the real thing.



Let's face it, how many real bombings has the average person really seen, at least in the States.. War torn countres might be different. In my long life I have never seen one, just saw the aftermath of some during Watts riots, but didn't see any go off, so what do we have to compare them to? I saw some of the bombing scenes in the clips and they looked real enough for me. I agree with the person who said CGI has given us a distorted view of a real one. Previous to that, movies actually blew up real cars, as they did in Kill the Irishman. I have seen some on TV news footage and they reallt aren't huge spectacular things, but smaller ones.


Never seen an explosion in real life either. But I know they shouldn't be all fiery like they usually are in movies. Real explosions happen very quickly, and don't cause large fireballs. Movies typically add "fire accelerants" (like lots of gasoline) to the explosions to make them look cooler, I guess. I think it looks cheesy, but that's just me.

Oh, I've seen plenty of real explosions on T.V. thanks to the awesome show Mythbusters :)

I really liked this movie, and never knew stuff like that happened in Cleveland back then. What I want to know is where did their explosives come from? In the movie, it looked like they were using C-4 or something which I think is only used by militaries. In real life, I guess they could've used dynamite though. That's easy enough to get from mining operations. Dynamite's not all that powerful for its size, but I guess it'd get the job done for a car bomb...

Actually, yeah, now that I think about I have seen a real explosion once. At a 4th of July party, my neighbor had a half-stick of dynamite, taped it to an arrow, lit the fuse, then shot it into the field behind our houses. Sounds like a "you might be a redneck" joke, LOL.


Actually, the car bombings did look really fake. I don't know what they used, but even in the opening scene it looked horrible. I guess the budget was too-too low to get anything decent.
Watch a handful of Asylum flicks and then compare this to those.



Hey Mkap.

Out of the major characters who dies? Any information is always appreciated. Thanks in advance.


ah...i think *Danny Green* J/K, J/K


Hensleigh and cinematographer Karl Walter Lindenlaub even shoot the film in period style, with lots of screwed-up, semi-industrial locations, an awesome soundtrack of vintage soul and rock, and muddy, subtly desaturated colors. (Maybe those are meant to suggest the notorious pollution of Cleveland, where the Cuyahoga River's surface infamously caught on fire in 1969.) But "Kill the Irishman's" most surprising asset is the out-of-nowhere performance of Ray Stevenson, a big, shaggy, brawling hunk of man-flesh who plays Danny as an elemental force of nature, sometimes crude and violent, sometimes kittenish and mild.

There's an irresistible, Cleveland-esque, underdog quality about this whole production, in fact. Stevenson is a 46-year-old British actor of Irish ancestry who's been kicking around action-movie and TV roles for many years, without ever getting any closer to stardom. Playing Titus Pullo in the BBC/HBO series "Rome" appears to have raised his profile considerably, but this part -- as a half-sympathetic, half-repellent crime entrepreneur who essentially brought down Cleveland's Italian Mafia by himself -- is something else again. (He has upcoming roles in "Thor" and the unfortunate 3-D "Three Musketeers" film.)

http://www.salon.com/entertainment/movies/andrew_ohehir/2011/03/18/kil l_the_irishman



Just went to see; Kill the Irishman! All of us, thought it was a GREAT Movie!
Don't know what these other critic's expect?? Personally, the explosion scenes were *very* acceptable. I'm not so scared now cuz, I believe I *also* am a; "CELTIC WARRIOR"
The Irishman, is working for "HERself" now!
My landlord has blead me "long enough". They have to bring in a *visiting prosecutor*; ours has "recused" themselves from my case!


I agree that the explosions looked very fake and (to me) obviously CGI generated but since (fortunately) the only explosions I have seen have been in the movies and on TV I have no way judging their accuracy. I read the book that the movie is based on and it stuck pretty close to the facts but I was still disappointed with it. Ray Stevenson, Christopher Walken, and Vincent D'Onoforio are all good actors but only Ray Stevenson in my opinion gave a good performance. Christopher Walken essentially did a standard Christopher Walken impersonation as Shondor and Vincent D'Onoforio either has developed full blown Tourette's Syndrome or at this point in his career is incapable of giving a tic free performance. I love Law & Order: Criminal Intent, but I think most of the perps confessed at the end of each show just to get Vincent to stop shaking and twitiching at them. In Walken's defense, my reaction to his performance may have been overdetermined by the fact that everyone does impersonations of him.
