MovieChat Forums > Kill the Irishman (2012) Discussion > Weird, I don't understand the hate for t...

Weird, I don't understand the hate for this movie?

I thought it was great , well acted and kept me on edge of seat.

I still think Goodfellas is better but this is great for a low budget mob movie.


It's not hated. The critical reception is largely positive.

Kill the Irishman is not without its flaws, but on the whole it's a lean, gritty throwback to the crime sagas of Martin Scorsese and others. It boasts a respectable cast (filled with mobster veterans and icons), excellent period design, and a fresh, intriguing subject.

Definitely one of the better gangster movies in recent memory.

"...if that was off, I'd be whoopin' your ass up and down this street." ~ an irate Tarantino


i think the o p was referring to posters on the board.

i agree it was just fine


it's my 4th favorite film of 2011 out of the 68 total films i have seen so far. by the time i am done with 2011 i suspect ill be floating around 75 films.

My Top 4 of 2011 (which are the most memorable(and the only films i gave a 8/10 or higher to for 2011 so far))...

1.Drive (9/10 or 10/10) (in my Top 40 films ever out of the 1450+ total films i have seen. on bluray Jan 31st 2012)
2.In Time (8/10) (also released same day as 'Drive' on bluray which is Jan 31st 2012)
-.Source Code (8/10)
4.Kill The Irishman (8/10, maybe a 7.5) (this film is carried mostly by the lead actor Ray Stevenson. but as the OP said, it's a pretty good low budget mob themed film.)

(my 2nd and 3rd spots are to close to call overall which is why i put the "-." under the 2nd spot saying it's pretty much a tie there)

i am pretty sure my Top 3 are a lock at this point (i know my #1 is) but i still think that 4th spot could be taken though as there is still roughly a handful of films or so i think have potential that i have not seen which are...

-Young Adult (this is think has a chance at the 4th spot based on Jason Reitman's past reputation with me as he's not failed me yet as all three of his past films (Thank You For Smoking/)
-A Dangerous Method (on Bluray March 13th 2012)
-Tinker Taylor Solider Spy (this is more of a wild card though as it could be good or it could fail but i think the potential is there)
-The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (this has a good chance to make my Top 10 of 2011 but i can't see it being any of the Top 4 but i don't think it's completely out of the question though)

...and maybe a couple films past that. but besides those 3-4 there i can't really see much else having a shot at my Top 4 films there.

but i suspect by the time March-April 2012 roles around (which by then all or most of the 2011 films will be out on DVD/Bluray) ill be able to make a final Top 10-ish of 2011.


EDIT: UPDATED March 12th 2012 (which should be pretty much final at this point)...

My Top 6 of 2011 out of the 87 films (give or take if your going by IMDb release date)...

1.Drive (9/10) (it's in my Top 40 films ever out of the 1475+ total films i have seen and that 'Top 40' is more of a conservative estimate as it's probably in Top 30)
2.Source Code (8/10)
-.In Time (8/10)
4.Kill The Irishman (8/10, maybe a 7.5)
-.Young Adult (8/10, maybe a 7.5)
-.The Descendants (8/10, maybe a 7.5)

so my 2nd/3rd films are to close to call along with my 4th-6th positions but if i had to put a order on my 4th through 6th spots it would be the order they are listed.

p.s. those are my most memorable films of 2011. everything else i have seen got a 7/10 or less and a 6/10 or less is Thumbs Down from me.

My Vote History ...


It was great. Highly recommended! Love being pleasantly surprised.


Other than the FACT it was rushed, it was a real good film.

Like a chicken with its head cut off.


And instead we got wasted performances, cliche after cliche thrown on the screen (some of which literally made me cringe)and just a shoddily put together film in general. I wasn't expecting the Irish Goodfellas, but this film was just so ineptly done. You have to wonder how a more competent director and/or better director could have handled this material.

For a much better look at Irish crime with interactions to organized crime, you should watch 'State of Grace'.

"LSD, golly gee,
DDT, wowee!
Daddy's broke
Holy smoke
My future's bleak
Ain't it neat?"


Ha Ha after I finished watching "Kill the Irishman' I said to myself " well it was o.k, at least it was better than "State of Grace"."State of Grace" took a perfectly great real life story and completely shredded it for absolutely no logical reason.


So I don't understand the like for this movie. I think the acting was great but otherwise it was crap. Convoluted story that took place over a way to long of time. If you like stupid people dying in car bomb "accidents" then I would watch it. Seriously how many people have to die from a car bomb before you just hire someone to watch your car. If this is what actually happened then why even make a movie from that story. It is so dumb, stupid, dissolved, and what ever else means "I wish I would not have watched it." I am guessing that all Irish people from the Midwest gave it a good review to get it to a 7. really really bad, but not as bad as "The Strangeness". I don't know how that movie even got a 5.5 it is literally the worst movie ever made. 0.0 on "the strangeness" 0.1 on "Kill the Irishman".


I enjoyed as well. Very good if your in the mood for a film of this type.


I thought it was great too. Just watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it. The problem is some people are expecting the slickness of a Goodfellas or Casino type movie. I watched the documentary before the movie and was well prepared for what the film would be about. I would recommend it to anyone.


this is a great gangster flick i love the true life gangster films..gets 9 piece from me

Woodrow...You came here with teeth...Do you wanna leave here with teeth!-Aunt Esther


After reading through the reviews,the comments on this thread and of course watching "Kill the Irishman" I'v decided to jump into and share my opinion of Yeah we will go with "movie" definently not "film".
The problems begin with the script, well the script that was shot, well the script that was shot and that made it into the final cut. I say all this because Im not certain where the blame should placed. The lack of character development usually starts with the script. And since the characters are not developed beyond the bare hollywood stereotypes it follows that the relationships between these people is left barren. Why did Green and Nardi become close as criminal associates?? What drew them to each other beyond making money. Perhaps nothing, as in most criminal relationships. But of course if thats the case then Danny's (meant to be) touching comforting of his dying friend made little sense, and where I wanted to feel something I only felt disgust at the missed oppotunity to take a solid cast and make a memorable film. And being "low budget" doesnt have a damn thing to do with it!! Need I cite here on IMDb all of the low budget masterpieces that have been made. This is the first and largest problem with KtI. It goes the quickest and easiest route to no where!! This is "movie of the week" quality. Made for network television.
Forgive me for repeating some the problems already pointed out by more decerning or demanding viewers. The opening scene takin right from Casino, only Casinos was far more intresting and dramatic. Stevenson flaiing about the street like some Tony Montana calling his enemies out was laughable. And cgi burning car was so poorly done my first thought was
"wow the fx team will never work on a feature again!"
And exploding cars..where as one viewer griped at all the explosions I do fully understand and agree with the need for all the explosions as its a vital part of the story...but what we were shown was handled and put together in such an amature 'HERE IT COMES KIDS' way that the explosions become Michael Bay without millions of dollars to waste. I think the blame for that lies with only two people Hensleigh and Crise (editor). In fact with only a couple exceptions the editing and shots were pedestrian.
Music wise...well Im glad I wasnt living in Cleveland in the 70s because apprently nne of the great 70s songs made it on the radio in that city. Granted they may not have been able to afford the outragious sums charged for the rights to pop songs now a days, so Ill give em a pass on it.
And while I could go on about why Im such a hater Ill end with this.
Danny Green was mobster, of the Irish Mob type, but still a mobster. And the biggest sin the movie commits is to present him as a very UN complicated "Robin Hood" type. If you owned a garbage bizz in those days in that section of Cleveland you may not have gottin to see his Robin Hood charm. He was no Celtic hero, no Saint despite what some people from the old neighborhood may like to believe. If they had crossed him they would of ended up dead or hurt.

Goodfellas, Casino, Scarface, The Departed (which is veeery loosely based on Whitey Bulger) White Heat, Little Ceaser, etc etc...all point out that ultimately their gangsters are just that gangsters, self absorbed sociopaths, and while we may root for them on the way up, or admire their daring, they are still people we dont want living next to us. And in the end they reap what they sow. As did Danny Green.
