Poor Man's Scorcece

I was surprised at the good cast in this but the writing didn't seem to lend itself to their abilities. The effects were good but some of the acting just fell short especially from the lead.

It did feel like a wannabe Scorsese flick at times without the slickness. I'm not saying it was bad bad bad just in part's I felt it was poorly executed. There seemed to be some shots missing as if the director didn't do enough coverage or the editors were just plain ruthless. I enjoyed it though.


There seemed to be some shots missing as if the director didn't do enough coverage

Damnit John! Quit with the weather report, you have a movie to forecast!

"...if that was off, I'd be whoopin' your ass up and down this street." ~ an irate Tarantino


Hensleigh is one of my fave screenwriters but a poor director. Some screenwriters simply don't have the eye like some directors don't have the voice. I only liked this film because of the acting and the characters more than anything else.

Nobody's laughing now
God's grace lost and the devil is proud


I only liked this film because of the acting and the characters more than anything else.

which ultimately carries the film and makes it one of the better films of 2011.

it's my current 3rd favorite film of 2011 (behind Drive(9/10)/Source Code(8/10)) out of the 30 films i have seen this year so far.

i give it a 8/10, maybe a 7.5.

p.s. after the year is over i expect it to drop to 5th, possibly a little lower.

here is what i expect my Top 4 of 2011 to look like after all is said and done (which will be my stand out films of the year)...

2.In Time (Oct 28th)
-.Source Code
4.Mission Impossible 4 (Dec 21st)

Kill The Irishman will probably be in 5th but it's possible some other solid films could turn up that lowers it a couple spots but as of now i am not aware of anything that will lower it.

My Vote History ... http://imdb.to/rb1gYH


To me it felt like there were complete scenes missing, because the tempo felt very rushed. I don't know if it got slashed in post production or it was simply poor writing.


If you watch the documentary on the DVD, you will see that the actor was very like the real thing. That's acting.



homeless man's Scorsese

What the $%*& is a Chinese Downhill?!?


Yeah, if you want to get your Marty chops up, you need to start hiring actors who have played mob roles before, but instead they have Mira Sorvino's dad (really?? as a mob boss??), Steve Schappira (what mob roles has HE ever played?), Vince D'onofrio (really, what's he ever been in that anyone has seen?)?


Yeah, if you want to get your Marty chops up, you need to start hiring actors who have played mob roles before, but instead they have Mira Sorvino's dad (really?? as a mob boss??)

Well, in all fairness... ...he did play the mob boss in Goodfellas.



"Vince D'onofrio (really, what's he ever been in that anyone has seen?)?"

Full Metal Jacket and Men in Black ?


I think jpowell was being very sarcastic, guys.

But yeah it did feel like it was aiming for a Martin Scorsese feel, and while it doesn't quite hit the mark of Scorsese, it's at least somewhere in the ballpark. The acting and (reasonable) historical accuracy is definitely what makes the movie worth seeing.
