MovieChat Forums > Kill the Irishman (2012) Discussion > Danny in witness protection?

Danny in witness protection?

They probably staged the explosion with some dead carcass. Stuck Danny in some isolated part of North Dakota. It's plausible...


Interesting idea, but there are pictures out there of Danny's body after explosion, blown clean in half, his face clearly recognizable.
Also that was just against Danny's character as proven by the numerous books and literature about him, that he would run and hide from his attackers.


Thanks for the spoiler without the alert.


It isn't a spoiler. It's like telling someone that Jesus dies at the end of "Passion of the Christ".


My bad. I guess I didn't realize there are over 2 billion fanatic followers of the story of Danny Greene and that most of the rest of the world is at least familiar with it. I guess I was one of the rare few. Won't happen again.


No need to be sarcastic. It's really clear from the synopsis that the movie's based on a true story and there isn't any twist/surprise ending that sways away from the real story. Rather than being ignorant and arrogant you could just accept your mistake and move on.


Yes, I understand all that. As far as admitting "my mistake"; saying something is based on a true story and saying "the dude dies at the end" are 2 totally different things. I'm also not entirely clear how ignorance and arrogance fit in, but perhaps that's just me being ignorant. I'm going to bow out now before Godwin's law finds it's way into this thing.


I'm not sure where to side on this issue. I didn't know that Danny Greene exploded, either, until I heard an interview with Ray Stevenson and someone on the radio - on the day the film came out - where he talked about Danny Greene being blown up as if everyone who would see the film would have already known that. Well, I sure didn't.


Yeah, I didn't know anything about Danny Greene 'til I saw the movie just now. I spoiled it for myself halfway through by looking at a Wikipedia page for his bio. Didn't even have to read anything, either. Just saw his age off to the side and spoiled the whole movie for myself.


@ aron
Ok I guess I went a bit far by calling you ignorant and arrogant. I didn't mean to offend you or sound like a douche. Anyhow I don't think that it qualifies as a major spoiler or even a spoiler in the traditional sense. The kind that ruins a movie. It's like the jesus spoiler or the titanic spoiler...jesus dies at the end and titanic sinks. My point wasn't to create a literal analogy but just to make you understand the gist of my point. Of course Danny Greene is no where as famous as the other two. But usually in my experience whenever a serious movie watcher watches a movie based on a true story they usually wiki/google it. Also the plot synopsis on imdb pretty much gives it away. And imo one shouldn't be surfing the boards when they haven't seen the movie. But yes the Op is at fault here as well since he didn't put a "might contain a minor spoiler" tag to his thread title.

Frankly speaking I personally don't care about spoilers that don't do anything for the plot in the big scheme of things. For example if someone had told me the ending of Oldboy then it would have fuqed up my experience but on the other hand I couldn't care less if someone had told me the ending to Scarface.


The Titanic sank!?!? *beep*, why did you have to spoil that for me. ;)




How about instead of being a douche you put spoiler alerts in your posts for those who don't know the story & haven't seen the movie. Isn't that easier (forgetting the fact that it's the right thing to do) than multiple posts insulting a guy when you're in the wrong?


How about instead of being an idiot you get your head out of your ass and read my post. Perhaps if you had bothered reading and understanding my posts, especially the last one, you would have figured out my reason for not considering this a major spoilers. And maybe you would have also noticed the apologetic tone in my last post. And if you had actually read my posts you would have also come to another realization that my first two posts didn't contain any spoilers. The spoilers had already been thrown around before I posted anything and the two posters above my third post had already discussed it before I actually posted the spoiler. In fact I haven't actually revealed any spoiler what so ever. Just alluded to it.
Anyhow I guess you're just one of those retards that just randomly skimps through posts without figuring them out and jumps to conclusion. Hence the reason why you think I was the OP and/or actually revealed a spoiler.


people who whine about spoilers are tools. I would love to pull a Danny Green on each an every one of them. if you come to a message board to read about a movie you have not even seen yet, how can you logically complain about spoilers? talking about a movie with people who have seen it is bound to give away some things even if it's unintentional, lol. That is just common sense. I don't even read review or watch trailers before I see a movie. I don't want to know everything about it before I see it. you don't like spoilers? OK well don't come to the forum BEFORE you have seen it. If you do, blame yourself for the spoilers. Idiots.

"everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"



I learned THAT lesson long ago...

I have over 5000 films, many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK!


The purpose of coming on these forums is to discuss the movie you have seen. If you havent seen a particular movie, then simply do not go on the board until you have to avoid seeing spoilers.

People that have seen this dont have to put spoiler alerts on every topic just for those retards who come on here without having seen the movie.


I agree. Don't get on the boards until after you've seen the movie. Especially not if you're concerned about spoilers.


No need to be sarcastic. It's really clear from the synopsis that the movie's based on a true story and there isn't any twist/surprise ending that sways away from the real story. Rather than being ignorant and arrogant you could just accept your mistake and move on.

Some people prefer to not know the final outcome as life is varied so are the many scenarios. Don't slip when you get of your high horse, it looks quite a drop. Mild sarcasm is highly appropriate.
"A lot of people say to me... get out of my garden" - Stewart Lee


I agree with those saying it's not really a spoiler.
1. It's a biopic. How can you spoil history? Even if it's not widely known history. Would it be a spoiler to tell you Brad Pitt dies at the end of "Assassination of Jessie James" or could you spoil an Al Capone biopic by saying he dies in jail at the end? It's not really a spoiler, it's a history lesson.
2. It's a gangster movie. 9 times out of 10 the guy dies at the end anyway ;)


If you wish to watch a historical movie, and are not aware of the story or outcome, why not be suprised? Of course a movie called "The Assasination". of Brad Pitt's charachter Jesse James" is pretty obvious, who's getting killed. Ray Liota's charachter didn't die in Goodfellas, Robert Deniro's in Casino, Jonnie Depp as an undercover cop in Donnie Brasco. It's not a given that the protagonist will die.

"A lot of people say to me... get out of my garden" - Stewart Lee


Holy cow, you just spoiled three endings in one sentence!


Well spotted

"A lot of people say to me... get out of my garden" - Stewart Lee



I'm sorry, you don't get to call spoiler on widely reported history. The rest of us who have a clue aren't required to talk like we're around toddlers because you're ignorant.
Also, the movie was CALLED "Kill the Irishman" and it started with the Irishman being blown up. Are you angry at the studio for the spoiler in the title? Are you similarly unhappy with the producers of "Interracial Hole Stretchers 2"?


