It wasn't that bad.

I watched the film thinking this was going to be quite terrible judging by the critical reaction. Yeah a little childish and cliched. But I quite enjoyed the film, the screenplay wasn't anything special. But it was just a cute little popcorn film. Great cast as well.


yea the movie was actually very fun to watch. i had a smile on my face throughout. it deserves at least a 7.


This movie was AWFUL!


the script and acting were the worst I've seen in a long was borderline slapstick comedy filled with every cliche in the book. Every scene my gf and I would tell each other what was about to happen and sure enough...

It was bad...very bad.


reply was worse than bad. It was horrible. Big protective brother has no idea who is bullied his sister in high school. Bully doesn't stop bullying until she loses what she wants. Bullied sister becomes an underhanded sneak. Mom down plays the seriousness of her daughters being bullied and Dad doesn't even seem to know. Worse than that the movie makes it seem normal to hold on to rivalries for years and has an unbelievable "happy ending".


Yeah it was. I was hoping to enjoy it, but I didn't. There was a few laughs, but outside of that it, it was terrible. There was some terrible performances from some actors capable of much more. Jamie Lee Curtis for example. She was awful. And Victor Garber wasn't much better.

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The main problem with it is the writing in the final act. It boils down to "it's okay to terrorize people so long as you say you're sorry... you'll live happily ever after."



I actually thought the same. People take this movie too seriously.

Yes, bullying happens, but this is a comedy, not anything like a documentary. Do I believe in bullying? No I don't. Was I bullied? Yes I was, for being a "Chinese Bitch" (I'm not even Chinese...or anyone's Bitch, let alone being a Bitch).

But I also didn't come in with very high expectations.
There were laughs, some cringes along the way, but I at least enjoyed it.

I also thought JJ got what was coming to her; but I also think she did change. It was when she was presented with her past/challenge when she decided to revert back to old ways.
