MovieChat Forums > You Again (2010) Discussion > I wanted to like this movie...

I wanted to like this movie...

And I really did during the first half or so. But the ending was terribly, terribly written.

I almost wonder if there was a different ending originally shot or at least originally written and the studio made them come up with this crap at the last minute.

Look, I KNOW the bully chick and the brother needed to get together at the end because it's a Disney film (I would have much rather the bully chick have her epiphany but also realize that she was just dating the brother to get back at Marni and so the marriage really was off) . . . but couldn't they have written the bully's redemption a bit more believable?

And I know they needed Marni to have a flaw or failing in some sort of way so as to create more depth, but they should have had her at least TRY to tell her brother first and having him unwilling to hear it and rude to Marni calling her jealous and pointing out her insecurities or something. ANYTHING to give her a good enough reason to HAVE to show the video.

But I think why we're all so up in arms is because clearly the bully HADN'T changed at all! she was still treating Marni like crap when it came out that Marni knew she knew she knew. Had they written it so that the bully really didn't remember or did remember but just pretended to have forgotten and continued that all the way to the end, there might have been more pathos.

But as it stands this is a movie about a bully worming her way into her victim's family, continuing bullying her victim, and then claiming out of nowhere to be changed and lives happilly ever after, with everyone mad a the victim for sticking up for herself.

Very dangerous stuff to be pandering to young girls out there.


I only watched the movie on a cruise or I never would have seen it. It was the most predictable movie I have ever seen, and horribly acted.


Yeah it was horrible. My father stopped watching the movie when it was only halfway and he told me it would suck. He was right.... it sucked badly. Joanna's last minute ''fridge apology'' lol. Yeah right, like I'm gonna believe it. She was crying because she got caught in the lie and Will was leaving her: she couldn't have her cake and eat it.


I totally agree. The first half was fairly good. And then it just seems to take a boring turn. Nothing especially funny about the rehearsal dinner or anything after it and it dragged on and on until the awful cookie cutter ending. This movie had sort of a dream cast and they all deserved better writing. That said, Kristen Bell really has great comedic timing.
