MovieChat Forums > You Again (2010) Discussion > Who was bullied by a family member?

Who was bullied by a family member?

As a child my cousin(I'm not going to give his name) use to bully me. I swear he was the second coming of Damien. One day I became so feed up I attacked him. His mother was so angry at me, she clipped off my fingernails. I scratched him up. I have always had long fingernails, I love my fingernails. They moved away, so I didn't see him for years. When I did see him again I was still afraid of him, but he was a much nicer person by then. I forgave him, but I will never forget how he made my young life a living hell back then.

Clark's destiny = Superman, Lex Luthor & Lois Lane.


Bullys suck. Seriously, who gets off on making others feel like crap? I don't care what happened to them in their private life, there's no reason to take those problems out on someone who has nothing to do with them.

What did your parents say when your aunt clipped your nails?

Glad he's grown up though.

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Try being the "oreo" in a black family...i'm sure all oreos go through it, its horrible

I just used oreo for better understanding. I'm more like the halloween special edition cookie. :) Blackanese ^^;


Try being the "oreo" in a black family...

What about the other side? They didn't get on you as much?

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The other side as in other races? If so, yeah, I fit in where I get in.


Yes, by cousin, who was obese and hated me, he was also a couple of years older than me.. He beat me up and said cruel things for no reason, Right now as an adults he is an alcoholic in and out of rehab, 2 failed marriages and get a a sustainable job because he has not formal education.


I have a cousin by marriage who is now in her sixties and is still a nasty cow. No one really wants anything to do with her. She called my mother and threatened to sue her over some stupid picture from 20 years ago. Then calls my mother's cousin and does the same thing. She is one of those people that never has anything nice to say about anyone. She is much older than me and would be nasty to me even when I was around ten years old.


My cousins didn't exactly bully me, but they had a way of making it seem like i was never cool enough or stylish enough. they'd always bug me about why i wouldn't dress up, why i wouldn't go out more or have more friends. they ignored who i was. i was, thankfully, very smart and i used to read a lot and write a lot more advanced than my age. there were so many things for me to be proud of, but because i wasn't the dressing up social butterfly always giggly, it was as if none of it mattered and that was the way to go in the family. it's really weird how it is now, i grew up and became very outgoing and also carried on the skills i had from when i was young. so my cousins actually admire me now and speak very highly of me. but the memories are still there, and some things you can forgive but the hurt is still there underneath it all.



Yes by my siblings and at times by my mom. The hurtful things said by them still follow me.

It's only a tragedy when people die young or unhappy.


In what i consider being my family, which only are the closest blood relatives to me (my mother and father), we don't talk bad about each other, no matter what flaw the person might have.
Its only my older brother that i have not spoken to in years, who had a problem with that sort of thing, before he chose to break contact to me and my parents over god knows what, we never spoke bad about him, so that cant be the reason why.

My uncles and aunts families does this kind of thing and when they tried to target my mother, i told them to go f... them selves and that i no longer considered them and their children as being my family, since this is not how you treat your own blood.
