MovieChat Forums > You Again (2010) Discussion > Will knows what type of woman Joanna was

Will knows what type of woman Joanna was

And still is. A bully. A liar. A manipulator and a phony. Only sorry when she gets caught. And he marries her anyway. Then he'll wonder why Joanna "became" a bitch after they were married.

A film's budget should be one of the last things considered when judging its artistic value.


True. That was a totally despicable ending.


The thing that angers me about Will's reaction to the big revelation about Joanna is the fact that he focused only on the fact that Joanna lied to him ... and not on the fact that Joanna bullied his little sister. "Boo-hoo! You lied to me, Joanna! I gave you my heart, and you lied to me! So what if you picked on my sister? Waaah! You lied to me, and that's all that matters." Some big brother!


He probably meant it as in saying ''You lied to me about everything about your past, who you really were and you never told me you were engaged before'' but yeah it still wasn't realistic. In real life, there wouldn't be a wedding anymore (first for being a bully and second for being a liar that's only sorry when getting caught).


Actually, it isn't that unrealistic. Men don't concern themselves with the pettiness of female rivalry, even if one is bullying the other. At most, they find it amusing. I know it deals with his sister, but it was something done in the past. I remember being bullied as a child and unless it was some boys trying to physically rough me up, my older brother just laughed it off and told to fend for myself. Will wouldn't have been that concerned and should have been more concentrated on Joanna's lies.

There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel.


Your brother sounds awful. Yea, fend for yourself but if my brother married my tormentor he's the d*ckhead and deserves all the unhappiness he receives from marrying a bully and a liar.


