MovieChat Forums > Evil Things (2011) Discussion > The Soundtrack *SPOILERS*

The Soundtrack *SPOILERS*

I will state up front that I missed the first ten minutes of the movie, so perhaps what I'm about to say is more fully explained in the beginning. Feel free to let me know.

I've read several reviews that think the use of a soundtrack for this "found footage" movie is out of place. It is my understanding of the ending that the killer takes the footage he has been shooting and edits in the footage of the five kids to create a film. So he added some music. It might catch you off guard while you are watching it for the first time, but I thought the ending made it clear who added the music in.

Also, the scene of his editing room doesn't necessarily break the fourth wall. He's shooting himself editing the footage before he makes the final cut.

I'll tell you who it was. It was that darn Sasquatch!


What happens in the end of the movie?


Oh...I didn't know it was like that...I guess that makes sense, however this was NOT "found footage" at all. Lol this was very fake because at the VERY VERY ending before it cuts it says "the characters are fictional and this was not real" idk something to that effect. LOL :)


There is a LOT of problems with this horrible movie but there is some that just stick out like sore thumb.

1. For as High Def as that camera is that is being used through the movie, it sure has the best battery life I have ever seen.

2. How do you go Spelunking with no caves?

3. How do you get lost in the woods that is just down hill from your house and there is a lot of snow about? It's not snowing at the time so there is nothing to cover up their foot prints.

4. How did the "killer" make his way through the house while these people where asleep and not wake them with all of the noise he makes on the stairs and that stupid "predator sound" he does?
