Evil Things (in a nut shell)...
OMG OMG, the van is following us...!!
OMG OMG, the horror, he's back...
OH NO, there he is AGAIN...
God help us, now my aunt is knocking on the door...
Is that the phone?! Did it just ring again?! Oh no, someone help us, the phone is ringing...and nobody said anything when I answered it...
Now we're lost in the woods...why oh why did we even go this far into the woods if we didn't know our way...?? Let's scream and yell at each other for a while in the cold darkness.
EEEK!! Someone stepped on a tree branch...everyone RUN!!!
WTF, OMG...someone knocked on the door, and they left a rectangular object that appears to be an outdated technologically obsolete video recording/viewing object from the last decade...somebody find a viewing device that will allow us to watch this thing...
Oh no, how frightening...they were in the house. Is that the cake?! OMG IS THAT THE CAKE...with a FORK...on a PLATE??!! GASP, they videotaped us sleeping!! How could they (squealing and sobbing), HOW COULD THEY?! I can't watch this anymore, it's too horrible...they videotaped the cake...!!
Lets leave...where's the car?! How did not one of the 5 of us not notice our car being stolen...?!
Back inside everyone, but only one of us should grab a knife...I'll keep the camera...
OH NOOOOOO...they cut off the lights...and nobody has a cell phone signal...
Hey I got a signal...I'll call some random number and squeal and cry and sob and mumble unrecognizable words so the nobody will understand a GD thing I'm saying...
Hey guys did you see (door slams) EEEKKKK!! There's another human in the room with me...if only I knew how to stab someone with this knife I'm holding...
Everyone, we HAFTA leave...we HAFTA. You hold the camera while I hold the flash light and lead us outside...let's walk past the kitchen where all the knives are...and don't pick up any objects to use as a weapon, just hold the camera and keep taping...OH NO RUUUNNNN, there's another human out here!!
I dropped the camera so now I'll just scream and scream and scream some more...
(End credits) I outsmarted the "Evil Things" by hiding behind a couch. They'll never find me here. But just in case, I'm gonna stumble through the house in the pitch dark while whimpering and squealing and hopefully I'll make it to the door where...EEEKKKKK!!