What in fresh hell did I just buy?
I'm not exaggerating here when I say that I genuinely believe that this is one of the worst films I have ever seen.
For a start, if you're going to make this sort of film then you could do with finding people that can actually act because those lot were just horrible. It's a psychological thing obviously with this type of film so crap actors means it's doomed to fail from the very beginning.
It was just terrible on the whole though. For anybody fortunate enough to come on here before paying to watch this sorry excuse for a film let me save you some time and sum up the entire film for you:
SPOILER ALERT!!! (I'm joking there by the way, there is literally nothing to spoil because nothing happens.)
5 people drive to a house, en route they get a bit lost and a menacing, slow moving van keeps popping up wherever they go. They get to house eventually, get lost (again) while on a walk, hear a branch break and run around in hysterics.
They find the house again, joyous celebrations and drinking ensue. Somebody phones the house, their car disappears, the van drives really slowly past the house, a door slams shut on someone and a girl screams.
I honestly feel like writing to the person responsible for this and asking for my money back, it was that bad.