Nah, with good writing, they could have called the police and still have a scary, complete movie.
In numerous horror movies, the police were called and that didn't stop it from being scary and good.
When you write a screenplay, you want it to be scary but realistic.
The movie was amateurish.
They could have called the police, the stalker would have left, then they could have given the police the information, then the police would have said that they would look into it and tell them to be careful.
In the meantime, the stalkers could have changed their information to keep the police off their tail.
Then when they were in the cabin and the stalker came back, then maybe the stalker would have changed their vehicle or license plates.
The stalkers could have gotten inside and done something to keep them from using their cell phones.
There are a million ways they could have spinned this.
It's not normal to have a group of young people eating a restaurant after being stalked for a while and then just stare at their stalker who is waiting outside for a while and not seek help.
You won't find an experienced screenwriter make this blunder.