How about following your freaking footsteps back?? I know people in horror movies do stupid things, but this was inexcusable. Any normal person would say, "Oh, hey, let's just follow our footsteps back." And it's not like all 5 of them were freaking out like crazy when they first decided to head back, so you can't use the "they were scared, they weren't thinking rationally" excuse. Really? Not one of all five of them thought of that??
I thought the exact same thing when I watched it. Surely someone's footsteps survived all the way back. It wasn't snowing so they wouldn't have been covered. Oh the stupidity of people in horror movies.
First Off, before I go into anything else, there is a very strong possibility that they were trying to find their footsteps, but the killer, who was following them from a distance, might have been messing the footprints out of the snow, maybe..
Ok. I don't live where it snows, although I have been it quite a few times. I don't think that this is a big plot hole that everyone keeps talking about. If you are walking in a great big circle, which they said that they were, then you would eventually start walk over your same footprints? Also, there are all these trees, which were pretty thick and all kinds of crap on the ground, and the they were all walking all over the place. It just seems that sometimes the tracks wouldnt be perfectly easy to see and would go in possible circles. which could get them even more lost cause they would be making so many tracks over more tracks that it would be all messed up.
One more thing. If these guys didn't go in the woods, and were city people, they might not even have thought of it. When I watched them all in the snow and then when they got lost, and it had gotten dark, I got a real tension build up, I didn't know if they were getting back. My point is that I usually am coming up with all sorts of ways to get out of these situations in movies, and like yelling at the screen at the people, but this time, I didn't think about the foot steps at all, It never even occurred to me until I started reading all these posts about the footprints.
another thing, I think people might have missed, is that this evil killer guy that was stalking them and making that clicking noise with his mouth(people keep saying that it is in human, which is crap cause I make a noise like that when I call my animals everyday)the killer was obviously following them through the woods at night, when night vision goggles, and he actually help them back into the house, cause he needed them in there to finish them off, well that was his plan, they werent supposed to have gotten lost. anyway, the killer actually started making that sound and breaking branches to force them in the right direction. the killer was like it's getting too cold out here time to round-up these kids, lol
Even more reason not to be able to use their old footsteps. If they went back a diff way, then they would never even see them.
But the OPs statement about none of them thinking about the retracing of the steps being illogical is crap. Just becuase every little thing isn't shown in perfect clarity, people get all bent out of shape. It's not necessary to show every little thing that people do. We get the sense that they were desperately trying to get back to the house. I think that they would have already thought of the footsteps thing and tried it, but just not 'on camera'.
That was my point. They couldn't follow their footsteps back because they were going back a different way.
That doesn't make any sense. Unless they got to the "different way" by climbing a tree and going limb to limb, they still would have left tracks in the snow. All they had to do was follow their own footprints to double back to where they started onto the different path and then follow the original tracks they made coming in.
This is a silly flaw because the filmmakers could so easily have avoided it by (1) showing newly falling snow as they traveled (I realize this would be weather dependent and that realistic fake snow would be expensive); or (2) having them traverse a large area bare of snow, like a rocky hillside or a frozen pond swept free of snow by wind, and not be able to find their tracks on the other side.
I liked the movie, but this was a real flaw, and a pointless one at that since we could just as easily have the stalker "attack" them with his weird noises while they were out in the woods without throwing in the bit about their being lost. The being lost scenario unfortunately led to way too much screaming and stupid arguing, making us dislike Tanya and Miriam more than we already did. reply share
Yeah, that makes absolutely no sense to go back a "different way". In the end, just retrace your footsteps...they were right there for them in the snow. Makes no sense.
If there is a Muslim ban, they can pretend they're Christians. You know, like Republicans do.
but this was a real flaw, and a pointless one at that
Indeed. The entire sequence about them getting lost was superfluous and should have been deleted since it made no difference to the rest of the story.
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Ha! This is another problem I had with the movie...I had being sitting around in that huge house with every light on...with no curtains...when you know you could be stalked. And the second is getting lost in 4 inches of snow...made absolutely no sense. Why not just follow your footsteps in the snow? That one really had me scratching my head.
If there is a Muslim ban, they can pretend they're Christians. You know, like Republicans do.