MovieChat Forums > Frasier (2023) Discussion > Episode 5 is kind of disappointing

Episode 5 is kind of disappointing

It seems recycling the plot of the Frasier Niles club episode.

Also Frasier could just assume Harvard department head does not know any Latin?

What is a socially awkward girl doing in a bar?

I don't know about young people these days but how often can you find a barmaid reads "little women", in the internet age?


Holy smokes we must have seen different shows then. Episode 5 is the first great one yet IMO, and the first 4 weren't even all that good IMO. The writing was excellent and gave me many belly laughs. Before this Frasier had turned into a tranquilized version of himself and the elements that made the first series funny simply were not present. Here the old Frasier is back! The character Alan Cornwall has essentially replaced Niles as Frasier's haughty second to great effect. I belly-laughed, even guffawed several times almost to the point of an asthma attack. If to recapture the old magic they must mimic the original run then by all means I pray they do!

Loosen up cowboy- good episodes ahead!


Also I want to clarify a couple of things: the person reading the book was Frasier's son who is a firefighter by trade, and an intelligent one at that. The title of the book is "Little Women" written by Louisa May Alcott.


And Eve the barmaid recognised his quote right away, that is someone knowing the book by heart.


Ah ok now I get what you meant. Yes Little Women is popular with, get this- women.


Young girls love classics tend to do well in school, and not working as barmaid.


They do? Maybe you know more about today's young women than you let on. I read nothing but the classics and I never did much more than that. Again- it's something that women like, not women of a particular class or upbringing.


I am not woman and I don't really know women, but even people my age usually only read books on commute. Young people now don't even need to do that, they got their phones and tablets.

I think if young people made a point of reading classics, they wouldn't do too badly in school. But that is just my guess.

How many people you met working low end jobs just love to read?


Plenty actually. I imagine that number would increase in the Harvard area.


I am not talking about Harvard students doing part-time, Eve is about 30 years old.


Awesome, me either.


Really? You think people read classics just because they live near Harvard?


Yeah I've lived in college towns. They're a bit different.


You can do very well in school and still need a basic service job at first. Not everyone gets the job that they want or finds a good one ready & waiting for them. Some do, and good for them; but some have to struggle for a bit initially.


She is about 30, that is not someone with high ambition working part time to fund schooling.


Many of today's students get useless degrees in women's studies etc and find out there are no jobs in those fields, end up working at Starbucks or something. It's actually a widespread thing, and those kids have trouble paying back their loans which is why so many want Biden to illegally forgive their loans (have us taxpayers foot the bill for their pricey foolishness).


I think only women from rich family or those who work in entertainment business get those kinds of degrees, things like Russian literature or medieval studies, etc.

Girls from average families do not have luxury like that.

Then again that is just my thought on it, never met one of those people.


If that were the case there would not be so many student loans out there. I swear I'm not lying to you on this- it wouldn't profit me in any way.


But have you ever met people like that? Because taking loans on useless degrees are just stupid.

Also I think people take easy degrees are not the sort of people really into reading or study.


Look bud this conversation is inane and you will not be convinced so I'm gonna bow out. God bless
