Mike Tyson vs Mel Gibson

The Hangover II is probably the laziest kind of sequel, basically everything about Hollywood's worst stereotypes being true in this case. The staff just didn't care.

But the worst negative stereotype about Hollywood isn't even about the movie itself, but this trivia that they originally wanted Mel Gibson as The Hangover II's "controversial cameo". But the staff objected, because according to them Mel is the devil and much, much worse than Tyson.

Really? I mean, really? Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist. He raped someone. Are you seriously telling me that it's not as bad as the unholy crime of creating The Passion of thw Christ? Really? That is actually kind of infuriating.

Sure, Mel may be a lunatic who has a fetish for religious suffering and he's outspoken about not liking Jews, but how is he worse than someone who traumatized and violated another person in one of the worst possible ways?



Right?! galifinakis refused to film any more scenes if Mel Gibson was in the movie because he was so morally offended by what Mel said about jews (which was pretty much true) but he had no problem with a rapist. Good to know what kind of values he's got.



Trolls dont have an opinion....just an urge to compensate their frustration about themselves!!!


I agree with Szabu. Although, if I were to play devils advocate, Mike has paid his fine (prison) and may have regretted raping a woman, whereas Mel doesn´t seem too regretful.
This may spark a Who´s Worse debate: a rapist or a bigot.


Mike has paid his fine (prison) and may have regretted raping a woman



It worked out in the end.

Gibson not being in the movie was a plus as this movie sucked. The road warrior was lucky.


Actually, as Mel was being released, after sobering up, he did apologize to the officer he said that anti-Semite comment to and even offered to take the man out for coffee. But, nobody want to hear Mel's side of things. That tidbit didn't come out until someone was good enough to give Mel a chance to speak.

There is a big difference between an emotionally outraged drunken rant and willfully raping a woman.


finally something smart

Trolls dont have an opinion....just an urge to compensate their frustration about themselves!!!


it made all kinds of sense to have Mel in this as a) hes had his share of crazy HO style drunken antics (the whole DUI rant thing could've come straight out of a HO movie) b) he was then an ultra controversial figure which made complete sense as Tyson was in Part 1 and c) its mel MadMax/MartinRiggs/WilliamWallace Gibson!!

but ohhhh no, Zach whatshisface had to go and get all high and mighty... seriously Harrison Ford has no problem with appearing in a film with Mel yet Zach Galifrey or whateverhisnameis does? (what the *beep* did they listen to him anyway? he should've been immediately overruled)


Mel has repeatedly apologized for the incident, what more do people want?

And that rant came out of Gibson when he was drunk and after he was bullied incessantly by the people he lashed at after the film The Passions of the Christ.

Have you guys never said anything you regretted? And said only as a retaliation of years of bullying and while you were drunk and having a mid life crisis at that?

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


The Hangover II is probably the laziest kind of sequel, basically everything about Hollywood's worst stereotypes being true in this case. The staff just didn't care.

I saw II first just because it happened to be on HBO.

I did not see the Hangover originally because I thought it would be idiotic. Which of course they are but now I love them anyway.

When I finally saw the first one I thought it wasn't as exciting. I actually prefer II. I know I am in the Minority though.


"But the staff objected, because according to them Mel is the devil and much, much worse than Tyson."
"Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist. He raped someone. "

There's a couple obvious flaws in your argument, and logic:
- Nobody taped/recorded Tyson raping anyone. The case was his word against hers. And after all we know about that tramp and her golddigger mom, quite a few people are willing to believe Tyson was railroaded. Then also the fact that he has never been accused again, which doesn't quite fit the MO of rapists (they are serial offenders). And as the OJ criminal verdict proved, juries CAN get it wrong.
- Mel's ex taped him dead to rights, so NOBODY can even pretend to doubt Mel's insanity and rage.

See where I'm going? With Tyson it was a one time thing (unless I'm missing previous or recent rape allegations), alas with Mel it was one after another after another.

Also the fact that Tyson's background and profession can make most people be more sympathetic to his case, whereas Mel has no such excuse to fall back on.

And you reveal yourself a Mel fanboy by excusing Mel in any way possible (why don't you just state the devil made him say it?), while taking as granted all the allegations against Tyson.

I'm not excusing the staff (Mel should be given a break, he's not the first or last actor with anger and entitlement issues), just pointing the reason why Tyson gets it easier than Mel.


The case was his word against hers.
Really? So a doctor's medical examination is worthless? Why do they bother doing an exam and concluding rape if it's just "he said, she said." Think again Einstein.

He also bit off part of a man's ear. TWO ATTEMPTS. Not once. He was warned, and did it again. He should have went to prison for that too.


an anti-Semite, he is a Holocaust denier and a racist

Find an interview where he EVER denied the holocaust. You won't because it never happened. His father never said it never happened either. People make stuff up and say it's so. His dad said he didn't think the numbers were right, that's all.

Even Mel said in the interview that he was harboring resentment toward them because the jumped all over his sh~t before The Passion was ever released. They automatically accused him because of the hatered toward his dad. He was drunk and said it was a stupid thing to say, that they start all the wars. He admitted it was dumb. He's never, ever, treated anyone but with respect, even African-Americans. Danny Glover is still friends with him

Donner said he's known Mel through the worst of his life, 30 years, and NEVER heard him say any thing bad toward anyone. Jodie Foster and RDJ still love him and they are Jewish and Gay.

He was dumb one time in a private phone call. Hate him if you want but read this article from a Jewish reporter who hated Mel and now Loves him.


This is what it says:

Remember Mel Gibson? He was a giant movie star who, ten years ago, made a very popular movie about Jesus. In the years since, he has become known more for saying some pretty anti-Semitic, homophobic, and misogynist stuff than for making movies, and everyone in the industry seems to have universally agreed to stop working with him. So, to commemorate The Passion of the Christ's ten-year anniversary, Deadline had former Gibson-hating journalist and now Gibson friend Allison Hope Weiner make the case for his comeback.

Weiner tells the interesting story of how she went from journalist profiling Gibson to having a close relationship with him. She doesn’t disregard the things he said, but offers a portrait of a remorseful man struggling with his alcoholism. Because of Weiner's own religious background, she focuses a lot of the piece on Gibson trying to make amends with offended Jews — including her own family.

"The issues with my own family were more challenging. Gibson asked to meet them at my son’s bar mitzvah celebration. Imagine the scene: A room filled with Jews. In walks the person who, in their minds, might be the most notorious anti-Semite in America. Gibson attended alone and I can only imagine what was going through his head when he walked into the party.

Before the evening was over, he was chatting with many of my relatives, who saw a funny, kind, charming guy and not the demon they’d read about. Gutsier still, he attended our Yom Kippur break fast dinner. Anyone who has attended such a gathering knows there is nothing more imposing than making friends in a room full of Jews who haven’t eaten in 24 hours."

She also says that Gibson has personally apologized to the Jewish cop he verbally attacked, "quietly donated millions to charitable Jewish causes," and met with a "wide variety" of Jewish leaders, "[learning] much about the Jewish religion, befriending a number of Rabbis and attending his share of Shabbat dinners, Passover Seders and Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur dinners."

Weiner ends the story with a plea for Hollywood to reconsider Gibson. "He wasn’t the bad person I thought he was back when I first wrote about him, and I’m telling you, he is now not the person you think he is." Adding, "As one A-list star told me recently, 'Mel has spent enough time in the penalty box.'"

I believe her and his friends over anyone. He has done more good in his life than any bad time, which was 2. He pays for people cancer treatments and children that are conjoined to be separated in the millions of dollars. HE IS A GOOD PERSON.




Typical intolerance, and double standard prevalent in Hollywood

You don't have to stand tall, but you do have to stand up!
