Nosejob is my secret to tell!!

We have had many threads on this topic here and what a dumb liar she is about it. Well she admitted it but weird that Melissa would find this to be a secret to me honestly.

I say prominent noses are attractive and we do not all have to look the same but that's me. Mine is prominent, not huge, I'm not fixing it because it's part of me but huge I would not fix it either and honestly I find them hot anyway. Small noses are boring.


Also, seriously, do the women cast members on all the RHO franchises think we don't know why it is that they come back to new seasons with larger bust lines, smaller noses and fewer wrinkles and chins?


I don't pay super close attention but I feel like Melissa changed her nose after every season or at least 2 or 3 of them. She insisted in wwhl episodes it was contouring although many have said contouring can't even do all that. I don't know who she thought she was fooling. Just say you didn't like your nose and changed it.


People with the contouring excuse.
They take it too far......


Not sure who else changed things. Jac gets botox a lot and Teresa had breast implants, Jac had 2 breast reductions, all admitted in the show.


Melissa looked so odd this year. I think she looked better with her regular nose too. Now her nose is too narrow and then she contours on top of that and she only has a white line down her face. She looked so pretty more natural with black hair and her natural nose.


If you look at her VERY first episode that he was on,her face so was LONG. Her nose wasnt "huge" but it was long. Her chin was long....She had to had her chin shaved or soemthing, idk. Botox for sure, and she had a nose job after her 1st season. Idk about 4 nose jobs. But she probably had 4 surgeries on her face done LOL.

And Jac saying "I know, bc we have the same Dr.". Ummmm? Theres something called HIPPA. Whether you have the same Dr or not, their Dr couldnt talk about any other patient with anyone else, unless it's a POA. But even a Spouse, a Dr couldnt reveal any information unless it's written and the patient gives permission to discuss medical conditions with someone.

Sooooo Melissa probably told Jac each time she went in. Also, Jacqueline got a tummy tuck, and the VERY next season she was much bigger!! What a waste of money!


I also wouldn't be surprised if there were some nurses or assistants that worked at the doctor's office that mentioned something to Jacqueline.
I don't know if that's something that happens often, but unfortunately I have seen it happen before.


Were those people fired or put in prison? I know of that happening.


I bet almost all the housewives have had surgical procedures to improve their looks, and certainly Jaq has and is the LAST person that should talk.
On WWHL, Teresa said Jaq broke girl code by calling out Melissa, and I agree with her.
Personally, I thought Melissa handled the whole issue great!


I agree that Jacqueline broke girl code, but one thing I like about Jacqueline is that I think she is more honest about her stuff than Melissa. She doesn't have to tell all of her business but she keeps talking about contouring and there is only so much contouring can do. She comes off as dishonest sometimes to me.
