Not enough monsters?
I was disappointed in this movie
I know this had to have had a higher budget than Pitch Black based on Vin Diesel's current star power, yet there were so few monsters!
a vague cloud of thunder shows up and bam there are a million of the scorpion things everywhere. but that doesn't happen until the last 30 minutes of the movie!
did anyone else feel like there was literally no build up to that? just Riddick surviving and being hunted by some mercs and then, BAM, thunderstorm clouds
I don't get how they did not manage to build suspense or a story arc like in Pitch Black. in that film there was the ominous investigation of the planet after the crash; the colonists abandoned little settlement that still had clothes and personal belongings in it. the fascinating little noticing of the sun dial thing that showed a permanent eclipse that came very so many years, etc. etc. etc.
just feel as though the story wasn't well thought out in this one. like not smart at all- and Pitch Black was a very unique and cleverly done horror / sci fi flick
what's strange especially to me is that both films were done by the same director. I guess it's sort of like this with a lot of movie franchises or even directors and writers- hard to repeat the same successful formula years later
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