
What was the point of his character exactly? He doesnt really do anything other than act "christian" and get scared a lot. He just seems to be along for the ride. He doesnt even die. Just stands around a lot and leaves with the survivors. Did I miss something? Why was he even in this? His character seemed pointless. Was this a statement about religion somehow? Was this an allusion to something in one of the earlier movies?



I thought that Luna sort of resembled Jack in a way. Where Jack was an actual girl named Kira, Luna is an actual girl's name or maybe a nickname?! Now you ask why would they give a boy a nickname of a girl?! well if you saw the ending, you saw Johns in the cockpit and hanging right above his shoulder was Luna in a very feminine way, which means Luna was probably gay.

Another clue: When Luna began to ask for a prayer, Riddick told him that "Leave God out of this, he doesn't want to be here" its a shot at Luna for believing in a God that according to the Bible wants him dead.


Interesting theories... Im not sure that explains why he is there though unless you are saying he is Johns's gay bitch which seems unlikely (and nevermind, by the way, that christians dont want gays "dead". Just not acting in a way they consider sinning. But thats a topic for a separate debate).

Although now that you bring up the name, 'Luna' is, of course, Latin for 'Moon'. Still not sure of the significance though. He orbits the others? More interestingly, the name of the female character Dahl is the same name as a settlement on the planet Trantor in Isaac Asimov's Foundation and Empire series. Now its generally not coincidence when people use specific names from writers like Asimov in science fiction movies. In this case, Dahl is kind of the slum section of the planet filled with blue collar workers who are almost all minorities. Was this a reference to her lesbianism? If so its quite round about. Theres probably more there that Im missing.

