Carrots and doughnuts (spoilers)
After reading about this movie on the Kevin Kline board, I had to watch it.
I thought bringing a bunch of carrots when she said "no flowers" was really cute. And, overdosing on doughnut holes - I can relate. Once when I lost a relationship, I went to the grocery store and bought cheesecake, key lime pie and carrot cake and OD'ed on sugar for two days. Those were good moments in the movie - along with the Drew Barrymore impersonation.
What I had a hard time with:
1. Natalie Portman in my mind has too much class for a movie like this. Who else would have been good for this role? And Natalie with Ashton - can't see it!
2. Ashton Kutcher - everything he does, he always seems like a big overgrown kid. Maybe that's his charm to some, but I find him utterly boring and annoying.