MovieChat Forums > Men in Black³ (2012) Discussion > What's up with K's old gadgets right bef...

What's up with K's old gadgets right before he disappears

I noticed when K opens the secret compartment with all the weapons the remote control is an old zenith tv remote & the phone is old fashion. Why would they have that with all The MIB high tech gadgets? Does anyone know?

He who opens a school door, closes a prison. Victor Hugo



Obviously the room where he sits when making the phonecall is a room where 'normal' people are expected to be. Extra-terrestrial technology would be rather standing out in that case.


Yes you r right about trying to be a regular person n have technology like everyone else but.....that is an old phone n the remote is from the 70s. The older K is from now.

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. Dalai Lamaq


Extra-terrestrial technology would be rather standing out in that case.
Like a turd in a punch bowl!


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Also, and a more obvious and easy answer, is because it's K. He's old school. I mean, look at his apartment as compared to J's apartment. That's an old man apartment. And it is BADASS.


You're right. I never thought about him being old school would be the reason why!
Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. Dalai Lama


it was meant to be a contrast. J lived in a modern unit playing ps3 (the modern gaming unit in 2012), it makes sense for K to be resistant to technological advances.

They don't divulge much of his personal life but I wonder what happened to K's apartment in the time he was neuralized between the first two films? He would have gone on to live a different life.


"the phone is old fashion"

No, it isn't. That type of phone (Western Electric model 2500) is still being manufactured today, and is still commonly used by businesses or anyone who wants a basic, reliable phone (though current ones aren't as high quality as the original Western Electric ones):
