Gene Roddenberry's good name

When are they going to stop using Gene Roddenberry's good name in writing credits on the POS reboots.


Just as soon as you join the rest of us in the 21st century.

Saying this as a big childhood fan of ToS.

And ironically, I am pretty sure Roddenberry would find your intolerant, close-minded, stuck-in-the-past attitude regarding these reboots pretty sad.

With respect...

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."


Join the rest of you? Let's see... In the last pos released they spent $185,000,000.00, and they made $158,804,470.00.

Seems like someone needs to come up with $27,000,000.00

How about if they reboot "The Godfather". They can call it "tHe gOdfAthEr -fAsT anD fuRioUs".

That way the three stooges (Abrams, Orci, and Kurtzman) can put their names right next to Francis Ford Coppola and Mario Puzo. They will have to wait until after Mr. Coppola is dead.

Hey wait a minute... maybe you will get a Big Time job at Paramount Pictures for your cheesy attempt at defending this obvious failure?


Your hate is obvious and irrelevant, as is your pointing to meaningless figures.

Not in the least am I trying to change your mind...I simply don't care to - of course, your opinion is just as valid as mine.

All I intended to point out to someone who referred to Roddenberry that perhaps some consideration about what his core values were with regards to Star Trek might be in order.

My perspective is simple: I have found the modern trilogy to, overall, faithfully embrace many of the grander concepts and core characteristics of the original series and universe.

Mostly, I for one am just glad that Star Trek continues to live on and that this new incarnation can hopefully serve as a vehicle spurring newer generations to seek out, watch and embrace the original series.

How on earth could that be a bad thing?

And on a personal note, may I suggest you dial down the hate - you'll live a longer and less contentiously frustrating life.

Agreeing to disagree, with respect...

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
