Asinine script

It’s not that there aren’t any positives. They’re there, if one squints. The problem is twofold: an asinine script and a respected director that took no issue with adapting it to the screen. Tonally, Into Darkness is on par with Nemesis for how purely un-Trek if feels. Bloodthirsty vengeance erupting left and right, Starfleet ordering search and destroy missions, the same Starfleet concocting a secretive plot to engage the Klingons in warfare, large sections of San Francisco being obliterated by a crashing Enterprise and rival vessel Vengeance (what sort of name for a Starfleet ship is Vengeance anyhow?), much of what transpires, tonally, feels off the mark.


Definitely not a film I "have to see" again and again!  We can only hope the next offering is a lot better!  

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7
