MovieChat Forums > The Vampire Diaries (2009) Discussion > Caroline deserved better than Tyler!!!

Caroline deserved better than Tyler!!!

He was a a$$&@?! to her. He leaves her to get Klause back.. Really?!?!? How ironic would it be IF Klause and Caroline reconcile before the series finale.. I personally hope that IF Tyler returns Caroline kicks his A## out of the Beacon Hills once and for all... She deserved better. Just saying..


Beacon Hills? Wrong show hunnie.

Klaroline sucks. It's a delusional ship and they are on two separate shows. Tyler had every right to go, the prick murdered his mother then Caroline like an a$$hole *beep* the guy who killed the mother of the man she supposedly loves. Caroline's a fickle, hypocritical, self righteous bitch and I hope the show ends with a terrible death for her.


if Caroline is all that, what is Elena, she's "consumed" by the man who killed her mother.

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"


By killing her mother you mean he turned her into a vampire by her own will? It's quite insulting to compare that to Klaus actually killing Tyler's mother for the sole purpose of hurting him.

When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul.


I don't know if I would be as harsh as you, but I kinda agree. Lol.

I don't think that Caroline is a self righteous bitch, she had to come off as one to end that relationship. They wanted Steroline, not Forwood.

I side with Tyler, because for once the angry character reacted. Tyler hated Klaus, and why shouldn't he? This man made him a hybrid to control on purpose, who wants to live their life as an indentured servant? He freed the other slaves and Klaus murdered Carol. Who wouldn't be angry about this? Who wouldn't want revenge?

My ass may be dumb, but I ain't no dumbass...


I actually disagree. Tyler repeatedly abandoned Caroline and broke up with her. Klaus was a dick who killed Tyler's mom, but lets be real here. Elena, Damon and Stefan were ultimately responsible for several deaths in Tyler's orbit and he did not punish them for it in any way. He is picking and choosing things to get pissed about. Caroline shouldnt have slept with Klaus, but if we use this logic, the whole show falls apart. Everyone is guilty.

I do agree Klaroline was fan service. If it had been intended to be a real ship I might have been down, but it was not in any way relevant to the story. I also do not think she would have slept with Klaus. I don't think Caroline is the type of girl to be so consumed with emotion that she sleeps with a man she doesn't like.


But why did Tyler repeatedly abandon Caroline?

He left her to break off his sire bond - something that took endlessly forcing himself to painfully turn into a werewolf several times over. He did it because Klaus had ordered Tyler to bite Caroline which almost killed her. Later on - Tyler leaves Caroline to find a means of avenging his mother's death. Considering that Caroline's own response to her mother's death was to turn off her humanity switch and embark on a murder spree - Tyler's own reaction is relatively reasonable.

Forwood is about the only ship on this show that I feel passionately about.


I agree, they were soul mates IMO


Well Tyler left Mystic Falls because of Klaus, and the only death caused by Stefan, Elena, Damon, (really just Damon) was Mason's. His father died from the artifact John Gilbert used, his mother only died by Klaus because Tyler freed the hybrids from his control. Caroline screwing Klaus is contradictory to the fact she's always came down on Elena for screwing Damon, when she's done something worse.


Klaus just lost his blonde vampire GF. So I am all for Caroline crossing over to TO. Darla's arrival on Angel is one of my preferred story arcs on that show.

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"


Mystic Falls ... Lmao sorry about that I was ..


Caroline is an awful character that had a great arc in S2 that fizzled quickly. She has moments where she is likeable but far too many where she is insufferable.
Klaroline had potential until he became a whiny, crying idiot around her then I lost all respect for Caroline when she point blank refused to give Tyler the space he needed from her after finding out she slept with Klaus.
The moment I truly detested Caroline was when she pontificated to Tyler about how she was "done feeling guilty" for sleeping with Klaus and basically intimated that HE should get over it.
It annoyed me since Caroline clearly still had an axe to grind with Elena for being with Damon that she never failed to wave around at any given opportunity and still does, much like Stefan so in that regard I see why they are soulmates.
Klaroline is and was fanservice to the max, it never made sense but I got the appeal in the it just baffles me, however I still prefer that ship over Steroline. At least it has some believable tension.

Never argue with stupid people,they will drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.


I do agree with this to an extent. Tyler's not a bad guy and I do cut him some slack considering some of the things he was going through throughout the show, but it was obvious after they got together, that Caroline would never be first priority for Tyler. Something would always come before her and she deserves someone who would put her first.

But when it comes to the whole Klaus thing, I'm completely on Tyler's side. Though Caroline gets some points for at least being remorseful about it at first, she still wasn't as empathetic as she should've been considering Tyler has some very valid reasons for hating Klaus. It's just disappointing considering she had to deal with Elena's complete lack of sensitivity about her feelings towards Damon. I had hoped Caroline would be better than that.


well, they were both at fault to some degree. Tyler tried to make things right with Caroline but finding out from Katherine(who pretended to Elena) about her and Klaus blew up in his face and destroyed what hope he had for them getting back together.


I know that he did, but considering how many times he's left Caroline to sit there patiently waiting for him to return to her, it just seemed like too little, too late. When she begged him to choose her over vengeance, to choose her over something for once, and he still walked away, he made his own bed.


to choose her over something for once

For once? Are you kidding? Because that is the only time he put himself first in their relationship which I don't have a problem with btw. Tyler was even willing to give up his freedom that he had worked so hard to get back for Caroline. The first time he left it was to break his bones a 100 times so he could be free of the sire bone and be with Caroline. The second time was because Klaus chased him out of town and was going to kill him. Tyler still risked his life and came back to prom becasuse he knew how important that was to Caroline. So I don't understand how people can watch this show and simply see it as Tyler being a jerk abandoning poor Caroline time and time again and that he never made her a priority. Even with a heavy bias it should be clear that that is not what actually happened on the show.

When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul.


I've never once said that Tyler was the bad guy. I don't think either of them are, but I disagree with him choosing vengeance over being with Caroline.


It's really all he had though, Klaus was out there, his mothers murderer, and Caroline wanted him to let it go. They're immortal so it's not like life was passing her by, and it was the first time Tyler chose what he wanted over what she wanted, it was a terrible ultimatum if you ask me.


It's a selfish ultimatum because after the most traumatic event happened to Tyler after suffering a series of terrible events caused by one psychotic man Caroline centers her plea on how everything will affect her. That is an Elena Gilbert move. "Yeah, I know your mom was brutally murdered like three seconds ago but what about ME, Tyler." GTFOH. I expected better from her, but really this was a precursor showing just how little she gave AF about what happened to Tyler when thought it was a great idea to screw Klaus of all people in the world.

Meanwhile in addition to being callous Caroline proves herself a hypocrite two seasons later when she chooses to turn off her humanity when her parent dies due to a natural cause that she saw coming and had time to prepare for. I mean if we go by Caroline's words to Tyler she should have just been able to carry on like nothing changed.


I don't think asking him to try and move on wit his life was selfish. But I do agee about the hypocrite part. They've all become incredibly hypocritical characters. It's disappointing.


I disagree. I mean, I understand the desire for the revenge considering what Klaus did to, which is why I understand why he was angry with Caroline for sleeping with him. But once you decide you're willing to hurt others to get your revenge, it crosses a line. The idea of revenge always feels nice, but in general it's a bad impulse to follow and selfish one as well imo.


I get what you mean but tyler needed closure. IRL the avenue people can at least try to seek justice is the legal system but in their supernatural world where could he turn? What else could he do? Not everyone is willing to turn the other cheek. That's part of the reason human societies have laws and prescribed punishments---to prevent the need for vigilantism the springs from the natural desire for revenge.


That is true. And it is a vampire show. It would probably be boring if everyone just turned the other cheek. Lol.


Lol, very.


But Tyler had every right and reason to want revenge on Klaus. Never got those who bashed Tyler for his reactions and acted like he was suppose to brush off the fact that Klaus killed his mother. Klaus can use Tyler's mom to get back at Tyler and Tyler's mom did nothing to hurt Klaus. But, then Tyler is not suppose to be angry and want justice for his murdered mom?

Yes Caroline was important to him. But, so was his mother and a parent/family member is just as important and sometimes more so to a person's life as much as a girlfriend/boyfriend is. SO it should have been well understood about why he wanted revenge and unfair of Caroline or anyone else expecting him to act like his mother's murder was no big deal.

There's a double standard in the TVD fandom, where some characters get bashed for revenge, even if they have a right to be upset and angry. And then their bashers state how revenge is wrong and how they shouldn't have gone for it.

But, other characters revenge plans where people get hurt, get excused and whitewashed, overlooked and blamed on other characters.


I understand his reasons for wanting the revenge, but he almost became a baby murderer for that revenge. I generally disagree with revenge overall, especially when the characters are willing to become awful people just to get it. There has to be some kind of line, and Tyler was willing to cross it.


Well first of all, Tyler wasn't trying to kill a baby, he was trying to end Hayley's pregnancy BEFORE the child was born. Small difference but important. Because in the first one, he would have literally been committing violence on a defenceless creature. In the second one, he was attacking the woman who was morally if not technically responsible for betraying and killing 12 innocent people. That she was carrying a child at the time was practically incidental.

Secondly, Tyler saw that unborn child as future Hitler, not an innocent human child. There was some kind of witch prophecy surrounding Hayley's pregnancy that said the child was EVEEEEL. It's the common paradox: if you can go back in time and kill Hitler as a child, would you do it?

As for the rest...

Yes, there is a line. But I don't know... Klaus killed Tyler's mom to hurt Tyler as much as possible. He had already killed the entire pack of hybrids - arguably because they wanted to kill Klaus so you could say in a twisted way that that was self-defence... but the only reason the hybrids wanted Klaus dead was because he would have killed them if he found out they broke the sirebond he placed on them when he forced them to become his hybrids. So Klaus's actions weren't really self-defence because that implies innocence on his part.... he was basically defending himself from the consequences of his actions.

Even then, it would have been enough if he had merely killed the pack and run Tyler out of town but then he had to murder Tyler's mother to make him hurt.

I have never understood or bought the rationale/reasoning of the good guys being OBLIGED to not cross this mythical line while the bad guys do it all the time. It seems sort of lopsided to me. Like the way in the old days, "sneaking" and "tattle-telling" was made out to be worse than the physical and psychological BULLYING that made people want to "Sneak" and "tell tales" in the first place. It put an unfair advantage on the bullies who won't want to "sneak" their own bad behaviour over their victims who can't defend themselves without calling upon a higher authority.

And basically... that's what Klaus was. He was a bully. Yet somehow Tyler was supposed to turn the other cheek, or obey the "Rules of Engagement" while Klaus attacks with no rules, and no honour. He didn't have any problem using his sire bond on Tyler to drive a wedge between Tyler and Caroline. He didn't have any problem murdering through every werewolf pack in the country until he figured out how to enslave them. He didn't have any problem murdering Tyler's innocent mother to "teach Tyler a lesson", etc. All these are lines that Klaus is allowed to cross.

But the one time Tyler does something less than honourable, he is deemed as beyond redemption or understanding or sympathy? I'm sorry.

Answer honestly: if it were your mother someone murdered after basically enslaving you and driving me out of your home, would you not feel at least a little bit conflicted about whether or not to kill this murderer's prophesied Magical Hitler unborn child?


Well first of all, Tyler wasn't trying to kill a baby, he was trying to end Hayley's pregnancy BEFORE the child was born. Small difference but important. Because in the first one, he would have literally been committing violence on a defenceless creature. In the second one, he was attacking the woman who was morally if not technically responsible for betraying and killing 12 innocent people. That she was carrying a child at the time was practically incidental.

Not really a difference to me.

I have never understood or bought the rationale/reasoning of the good guys being OBLIGED to not cross this mythical line while the bad guys do it all the time. It seems sort of lopsided to me. Like the way in the old days, "sneaking" and "tattle-telling" was made out to be worse than the physical and psychological BULLYING that made people want to "Sneak" and "tell tales" in the first place. It put an unfair advantage on the bullies who won't want to "sneak" their own bad behaviour over their victims who can't defend themselves without calling upon a higher authority.

I think you misunderstand me. The line I'm talking about is when you're willing to hurt or kill someone innocent just to get back at someone else--like a baby. I'd like to think that that is something we all feel is bad. If you don't think what Tyler tried to do was bad, that's fine. I'll just respectfully disagree with you and move on.

And basically... that's what Klaus was. He was a bully. Yet somehow Tyler was supposed to turn the other cheek, or obey the "Rules of Engagement" while Klaus attacks with no rules, and no honour. He didn't have any problem using his sire bond on Tyler to drive a wedge between Tyler and Caroline. He didn't have any problem murdering through every werewolf pack in the country until he figured out how to enslave them. He didn't have any problem murdering Tyler's innocent mother to "teach Tyler a lesson", etc. All these are lines that Klaus is allowed to cross.

But the one time Tyler does something less than honourable, he is deemed as beyond redemption or understanding or sympathy? I'm sorry.

Again, you misunderstand me. I never said that Tyler was beyond redemption or anything like that. I also won't sit here and excuse Klaus' actions because there are no excuses. Everything you say about Klaus is 100% true and Tyler has all the reason in the world to hate this man.

Answer honestly: if it were your mother someone murdered after basically enslaving you and driving me out of your home, would you not feel at least a little bit conflicted about whether or not to kill this murderer's prophesied Magical Hitler unborn child?

Of course I would. I feel like you guys are trying to paint me as a Tyler hater here, so let me be clear: I'm not saying I think Tyler is a monster. I'm not saying I don't empathize or understand where he's coming from. And I'm not saying that he's worse than Klaus. What I am saying is that even though I do understand him, I don't condone what he was trying to do. And I don't get why these two things have to go hand in hand for some.


I understand you better now and I agree with you.


I totally agree with this. I don't get why anyone would side with Tyler. He wasn't treating her right from the very beginning. He obviously liked her but was still dating other girls because he wasn't willing to put himself out there to be with her. Then they get together and she puts him first about EVERYTHING! She puts him first with her friends, she puts him first when he needed to deal with wolves and leaves her for months on end and never complains, she feels bad when she puts her friends before his pack (Klaus' hybrids) etc etc etc. She supported everything he did. She saved his life multiple times when Klaus would have killed him and when she couldn't take it any more and told him not go after Klaus, he chose revenge over her. I even kind of understand his decision, because he was really messed up over his mother's death. But what was doing was at best a suicide mission and at worst was going to cause the death of his beloved Caroline plus untold other vampires. She was RIGHT to want to stop him from doing something so self destructive and she was entitled to her own feelings about their relationship. She gave him an ultimatum to save not just their relationship, but also to save him emotionally and to save his life.

So I don't know why some fans didn't sympathize with Caroline. She obviously loved him and was doing the only thing she could to try to help him, but it didn't work. He wanted revenge more than he wanted Her. On TO, we found out he was only there to get Klaus to kill him (suicide by original) so that Caroline would never ever be with Klaus and that was how Tyler thought he would get his ultimate revenge against Klaus. That's pretty disturbing and very manipulative on his part, to try to take away her choices.

Then Tyler shows up and she's been with Klaus and he's so angry not just because she slept with Klaus but because he didn't succeed in being a puppet master of the situation. Again, I understand he doesn't want the girl he loves to get with a guy who's abusive and evil, but he didn't go about it in a rational way. He also has no right to slut shame her about it when he was the one who left her. She didn't sleep with Klaus to hurt Tyler and wasn't thinking about him. The very fact that fans think she SHOULD be thinking about how her ex is going to feel about her acts months after they broke up is ridiculous.

I don't dislike Tyler, IMO the story arch with Caroline and Tyler vs Klaus was really great to watch. It was like the early seasons of Elena and Stefan vs Damon steroids. He was so much better than Stefan ever was because he doesn't have the baggage of being a ripper and Klaus was so much worse that Damon ever was because he's lived longer and also did all his atrocities with his humanity on, unlike Damon who did the worst stuff with his humanity off. But just like I found Stefan self-righteous and obnoxious in early seasons, Tyler suffered for the same thing. And just like Damon could act out, be childish and push away and hurt the woman he wanted most, Klaus does the same thing. It's the basic essence of the romance on the show condensed to it's most volatile and dramatic.

I do think the writers kind of "fell" into this storyline but it also worked really well because it gave the audience what they wanted. If you wanted Elena with Stefan you were probably rooting for Caroline to be with Tyler and if you wanted her with Damon you were probably rooting for Caroline and Klaus. I prefer both Damon and Klaus because I prefer a guy willing to fight everyone, even his own nature to earn the girl he loves than a guy who feels entitled to the girl he loves, but that's just me. And before anyone disagrees yes, Stefan does fight his ripper nature. But he never did it for Elena, he did it for himself, while Damon changed his behavior for Elena and for no other reason.


I always liked the Carroline Tyler , or "Caty" lol, match. They were pretty good till Elena dumped Syefan.


yeah and she got it... Stefan along with two kids which was not even possible with her being a vampire and all that. I think she got the best deal so far.

------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------


she was pregnant in real life wasn't she??


yes. Gave birth to a daughter at the start of this year but that does not automatically means that she had to get prego in the show too. They could have done something other than her pregnancy story. I have seen a show or two where they have done that. An actress prego in real life but her character does not get that. Also in this case it didnt even make sense when they rewrote the mythology and introduced a wild magic trick to "explain" that pregnancy.

------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------


I guess at the end of the series Caroline gets her kids and Stefan, while Tyler ends up alone forever.


if she gets the kids what happens to their real daddy? Does he not deserve to see his bio kids grow?

Personally I think it is a sucky situation coz Alaric and Caroline will never be a couple so who will end up with the kids sort of similar to Klaus and Hayley. If Hayley ends up with Elijah who will end up with Hope? If Hayley gets Hope it is not fair to KLaus and if he gets her then not fair to Hayley. Or are they all going to cohabit all their lives?

------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------
