Plec about Alaric and Caroline (spoiler)
Where is Alaric living when Vampire Diaries returns? — Jana
Well, he’s definitely not in Texas anymore. “Alaric is living in a small bachelor apartment with a guest room for his girls close to the armory,” showrunner Julie Plec says, adding that Caroline “has moved back into her childhood home in Mystic Falls.” The two of them will be sharing custody of the girls and raising their daughters together, which will quickly bring Ric even closer to home. As Plec puts it, “Alaric is feeling a little bit detached from everyone back in Mystic Falls, and so he may find his way there sooner than later.
CW has decided to do some TVD marketing at least? Alaric's story as armory boss seems a bit a waste of time with only 16 episodes left.
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