You're official thoughts thread for 'Hello,Brother'
Wow, the camera work, score, and finally a return to the "Dark" feel I haven't felt in this show since season 4. This was awesome.
Ian and Paul got producer credits, good for them.
1st thing to mention is how good they controlled the Steroline flow this episode. Short, big moments from them that didn't swallow the premiere.
Alaric is finally back to himself IMO, the self pitying stuff he's been having for twos seasons straight seems over, I'm liking how he's back to having a storyline.
Too many new characters IMO, Georgie and Sybil are fine, do we really need what's his name, Seline, and we're getting more?
Ian's portrayal as "Evil Damon" was way better than his mini run last season and in season 5.
Who's after Caroline and Rics kids? Didn't Virginia die?
The "Hello, Brother" moment was pretty damn awesome.
I kind of wanted to see Stefan vs Enzo round 5.
Stefan and Bonnie's interactions stole the show for me, also made it feel like S1.
So, Damon and Enzo have "seen" Hell? The real Hell? Met the Devil? (Lucifer?) where does everyone think this is going? Why didn't she want Stefan "yet"?
Bonnie and Enzo's flashbacks were the low point of this episode for me, didn't get much from it.
Hope and Sin seems to be the theme this season will take, the wrong doings of Damon, Stefan, and Enzo seem to take point here. I think we're in for a real good ride. Oh, and the Delena stuff wasn't bad. I kind of wish Damon was really flipped though.
9/10 episode from me. Bring on next week.