So Arcadius is the Devil?

That doesn't make sense. Cade was a man living in a village, where there were people, civilisation. He had powers and was burnt at the stake for it, which was the case in olden days, like with the Salam witches. However, if you are religious, it's common knowledge that both God and the Devil existed before Earth was even conceived. So how can this be possible?


Cade had created a dimension of his own , and use it to punish the evil people , over time , people began to see him as the devil , and over the centuries some people mix up his stories with other religion .

The Stories of Sirens mix with the stories of Devil , in fact the sirens were serving Cade .

As result some stories of hell and Devil are actually base on Arcadius .

in a way Cade is the real devil .

Like in Stargate , the Goa'uld Alien took the stories of human's religion and impersonate the human gods , over time Goa'uld's own stories are added to the existing religion .
Like Soka who took on the role of Devil in human religion, over time his stories are added to the stories of the devil , and he became to the real Devil .


šŸ‘nice job!!

We're all on our way out, act accordingly.


He's TVDs Devil. Lucifer,God etc. don't exist I. This show. Almost everything supernatural comes from Nature.


Maybe in the Supernatural World he is their Devil.

The world is quiet here.


I ignore it as just something made up by the writers. I agree, though, it makes it difficult to see Cade as "The Devil" considering what is already known about The Devil in different religious beliefs. Nearly every religion has some form of God and The Devil and in each version, neither were ever human.

I think shows like Supernatural and Buffy did a much better job of using stories from various religions and expounding upon them. This one just seems kinda silly and hard to "by into" as an audience being told a story. And to me, it's because Cade was just a human with special abilities. Whereas the Devil in Judeo-Christian beliefs started out as one of God's favorite angels. So he was always otherworldly to begin with.


No, Satan is an OG, Cade has his own less important domain.


If the whole season relates to redemption and Cade is the supernatural devil so to speak. In my opinion there would have to be a being like god in a matter of speaking that is willingness to give those a chance to change. So does that mean that someone in the series will become the so called knight in shining armor?
