MovieChat Forums > The Vampire Diaries (2009) Discussion > No future for Stelena/Delena if Stephan ...

No future for Stelena/Delena if Stephan or Damon take the cure

If I'm not wrong, when Katherine became human,the aging process was faster than usual and since she was around 500 years old, she had barely a few months left to live.

So if Stephan or Damon took the cure,they would have what,3-4 years top, to live since both are over 145 years old,right?

So for a possible futur with Elena, they need to stay vampires and accept that they'll lose her eventually,or she turns back to vampire, right?

We had damon claim in 6x21-6x22 that he wants to become human to be her husband. If he does become human,he won't have much time left to live right? Or did I miss something?


Elena is human, she was only aged up like 2 years. Katherine only started aging when vile Damon murdered her slowly and painfully by letting Silas suck the cure out of her in season 5. Remember how disappointed that biatch Elena was, when the attempt to snuff K's human life didn't work?
Anyhow, Damon will be fine as long as he has the cure in his system.

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"




So they'll age normally as long as the cure in their system? Ok. And excuse me but I don't see how Elena is a bitch for choosing Bonnie over Katherine.




Elena is a bitch for choosing Bonnie over Katherine.
No, not the choice. Elena was visibly disappointed when Katherine, a human being, survived. That was cold.

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"


Disappointed?No. Just worrying about Bonnie and wether it worked. Elena forgave katherine, later only for katherine to take over Elena's body. So I have no problem with Elena not caring about katherine.


Katherine was doing the show a favor by taking over Elena.
Anyhow K saved the live of both Stefan (S3) and Damon (S2); Elena, who is supposed to be the moral pillar, should haven been happy about any human being not dying. Even if K came after her last year.

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"


Sorry but I disagree...Katherine is hot/sexy, funny maybe, but proved she wasn't redeemable no matter how many chances she gets...Elena is still far better than her and Elena too saved both brothers lives and more than once


Lmao! K was entertaining but let's not forget, she got Stefan and Damon killed, Anna's mother and all tomb vamps desecated for , idk, 150 years, brought Klaus to M F, resulting in Jenna, Uncle Johns deaths,murdered Caroline. Really? Also murdered Jeremy, for real.
Honestly, K would rather save herself than her own child.
Idk, I guess if she deserves redemption,everyone does.

We're all on our way out, act accordingly.


After about S2 or S3 Elena was horrible, glad she's gone!


There was nothing horrible in Elena. She wasn't perfect but far from being horrible, still the most selfless character,with Bonnie.The show sucks without her and Nina was smart to jump ship when she did


Agree that Elena was selfless also brave enough to see that people who were different were not necessarily bad. And that sometimes we need to recognize the dark side that we all have and incorporate it , meld it, into our lives so that we can get a clear and honest understanding of who we are.
Only then can we become better versions of who we want to be.
Self knowledge.
Miss her too.

We're all on our way out, act accordingly.


Well that is you opinion and mine is that she's horrible. not sure i'd say she's selfless, but hey to each their own


Agreed. I couldn't stand Elena after season 3.
