Nina's Return?

What are the odds that she will come back. Julie Plec said on twitter that Damon's happiness is within reach and I honestly think that is Elena. I really hope they pull this off and get Elena in the final episode. Everyone who is a Delena fan wants Nina to return. I really really hope that she does return. But I also hope that they give Bonnie the ending she deserves if she has to die. I hope the odds are with her returning


I really hope elena comes back along with jeremy for the finale.


I think bonnie will become a vampire Enzo will turn her. Elena will wake up .


This has been my thought since they put Bonnie and Enzo together. I'm actually surprised it hasn't been brought up as an option by any of the characters yet.


Kai said if they tried to find a loophole both Elena and Bonnie will die, that's why none of them have talked about or attempted it since.

We're all on our way out, act accordingly.


It'll be discussed in the next ep actually


They kinda keep building up to her return. Last episode felt very "Elena" even though she wasn't there and next episode even makes MORE Elena references. It's kinda like they are reminding us of what really drives Damon... I feel she'll be back. People that freak out about how no one has seen or heard anything about her return to need chill. This is a big deal I don't feel they'd spoil it and say "Yeah she's coming back on this, this and this episode"


It's Stefan that drives Damon. He is his hope.


It is already sure she is coming back but only for the finale episode

The build up is to Damon getting his humanity back thanks to Elena necklace and the memories of her will be back probably in the next episodes.They made clearly in last 2 seasons that Elena is Damon humanity and Stefan humanity is his brother


Where did you hear she was coming back? I hope she does!


From a confiable source that posted some scripts

Nina will come only for episode 16
