8x15 TITLE

Michael Malarkey posted on instagram some scripts and one confirms he will be in episode 15 and we know he is in the finale too cause Julie wrote about a Bonnie and Enzo scene

The title is "We're planning a June wedding"



I saw that as well! I also saw that Nina posted a vid on Snapchat that accidentally showed a Lexi dressing room so she'll be returning too somehow.


This one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgRIQTf1QIo

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"


That's the one!


Ha! I swear I called it.

But, I mean what else do you call Stefan and Caroline's wedding Ep when taking into account this years title theme.

This and the spoiler picture should make it clear to anybody who doesn't believe, that Steroline is the marriage episode this season.


I know he will be back, but do you know if he will return as a vampire,a ghost, or a human? Also why is his script pink? Is it pink because he was killed off the show?

Kades! [/love]
