Caroline and Klaus

So Stefan is human now. Meaning he'll eventually die. So Caroline can eventually go to Klaus! Omg I hope that happens.


For that TO season 5 has to happen since 4 has already wrapped, unless they had for the first time a secret crossover.

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"


They could very well have had it after all we didnt know about Alaric crossover until it was announced by the writers.

But I think to develop their relationship to the point that she starts to love him they have to have another season.

They could very well have left the ending open you know. IN the last season Caroline is entering the ball room, Klaus smiles at her. BOth of them have lost the people they love. They could easily bond over that and then later develop into something much more deeper.

------You is KIND, you is SMART, you is IMPORTANT -----


Am I just blanking? What Alaric crossover? Or do you mean when he came back?


Alaric is in episode 7, in Season 4 of The Originals this season.


I know but we didt know until carina announced. No one saw him on their set before that. And it is e8 along with Kids which I didn't know.

------You is KIND, you is SMART, you is IMPORTANT -----


No, god damn it.

Don't be thinking about me when I'm gone.
I wasn't thinking about you when you were here.


I think it's definitely possible, but only if Stefan dies. Klaus did say he intends to be Caroline's last love, so that could have been foreshadowing on their part. I read an article not too long ago that Caroline may very well pop up in New Orleans for a bit after TVD ends. If it's true that Season 4 is also The Originals' last season, then it's very possible that Caroline and Klaus end up together.


Although a long shot, I also think it is possible. They have been dancing around each other since Season 3. They pop in and out of each others lives for a reason, and Caroline showed progressively more interest in Klaus as the seasons went on. With Stefan gone, they will both have lost their loves, so I can see that flame rekindling somewhat. I'm just not sure that will lead to them actually getting together.


I personally hope this doesn't happen. I think it's a bit unrealistic that either one of them would still be holding a torch for each other after this long.


Klaroline is never going to happen. He has long since moved on and she never loved him. And Candice hates the ship. Just because he said a decade ago thst he intends to be her last, doesn't mean he still does. He said similar things to Aurora and he'd sooner kill her than get back with her. And unlike Caroline, he was in an actual true relationship with Aurora, and not just some guy obsessively chasing after a girl who wanted nothing to do with him.


And unlike Caroline, he was in an actual true relationship with Aurora, and not just some guy obsessively chasing after a girl who wanted nothing to do with him.

Klaroline was one sided and that too his obsession. You nailed it. With Aurora he felt different. It was love and it was shown as love. Mn quoted something along the lines that love is when it is reciprocated at the same time which happened with Klaus and Aurora many centuries ago. They still had feelings/ maybe loved for each other hence he didnt kill her whenever he got the chance and that is why they got together again.

Saying that I am not sure what are they establishing by killing Stefan. They spend what 6 years in developing that relationship and now are killing it, for what, for what greater story? Does his death serve a purpose? I mean they killed Cami to serve a purpose- to propel Klaus in the direction of further becoming a better man but what about Stefan? I am just confused.

He has long since moved on and she never loved him. And Candice hates the ship. Just because he said a decade ago thst he intends to be her last, doesn't mean he still does. He said similar things to Aurora and he'd sooner kill her than get back with her.

One does not forget his strong obsessions/ loves esp unfinished love stories. They learn to live with it and adapt to new situations. Klaus still remembers Tatia and is bitter about it. Caroline does not love Klaus. Klaus knows she loves Stefan and he him.

But I can see them bonding over loss of their loves. For that we need another season of TO.

A decade? Wow I never realized this much time had passed.

------You is KIND, you is SMART, you is IMPORTANT -----


A decade? Wow I never realized this much time had passed.

Well from the date he said he'd be her last (May 2011) to the presumed end date of TVD (March 2020) is about 9 years, so I just rounded up. But yeah, it's plenty of time for him to come to his senses and change his mind.


But yeah, it's plenty of time for him to come to his senses and change his mind.

LOL.. that is one way of looking at it.

------You is KIND, you is SMART, you is IMPORTANT -----
