What is this weird tint?

What is this weird tint this movie has? Everything has a bluish teal tint to it. I know this is intentional but I'm wondering what the technical explanation is. Is it filters? A chemical process? Is this even film or is it digital? Was it added digitally? And why does a director want his movie to look blue anyway?


Its an artistic effect done in post production. It's intended to add a certain atmosphere to the film. It's overdone in some films but is appropriate in this one.


It's an effect added to change the atmosphere. I'd assume that the director wanted this because of the nature of the movie. It's a breakup film, and while being funny, it is actually pretty sad. The bluish hue in the movie might represent this undertone of sadness throughout the movie.


Yeah it was particularly effective during the wedding scene. I wonder if they waited for a grayish day to film that.


this movie was way more blue than it should have been, but it did fit well with Rashida's beautiful eyes.

Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.
