Don't be tricked into thinking this is good
It's easy to see why someone may think this is a good movie. Everything is to made to make you think that it's a dark, emotional drama. Hey look! All these characters are tortured, and plus there's sad music all the time and the colors are really gloomy, so I should probably feel sad or something, right? Sure, that might be the case, but unfortunately the script is so poor and unoriginal, so ridden with clichéd dialogue, that the director's attempt to make it seem like a serious drama becomes aggravating and almost insulting to the viewer. And this movie takes itself really seriously; it just doesn't have any believable content to back it. Hollywood movies are typical for their lack of subtlety, but where this one really stands out is by so forcefully shoving every bit of gloominess and despair down the viewer's throat, to the point of absurdity. The actors are mediocre (I thought Pierce Brosnan was decent) and are nowhere near being capable of saving this movie.
I obviously have to talk about the ending. A lot of people seemed to be offended by it, and I think I agree. Hear me out for a second. I have absolutely no problem with any movie that deals with 9/11, but this movie isn't about 9/11. It was just a bland and overly depressing teen drama that tries too hard to seem deep. The main character could have been killed by anything; a car crash, or a bike accident, or whatever, and it wouldn't have affected the previous story IN ANY WAY. The fact 9/11 was used in such a climactic way at the end, comes off to me as exactly what I think it is: A director so desperate to try and make his audience feel something that he'll disregard any concerns for good storytelling and just slap some more trauma in our faces. I'm not offended because he used 9/11 (if it was referenced in a more anecdotal way I wouldn't have had any problem with it). I'm offended because it's an huge insult to the viewer's intelligence.
I think this is one of the worst movies I've seen, and hopefully you can understand why. I rarely post here, but I really needed to get this one off my back.