Is anyone surprised she's an old maid?
I'm not trying to sound like an anti-feminist a$$hole here; I'm just pointing out the times she was in would not have accepted her.
I think that even if she had two good, working arms, she would never have married anyway. Not because, as she said, she "never had time to fool with it," but because basically no man back then would have ever had her. For that time, she was an incredibly arrogant know-it-all, something incredibly unfeminine, and no man would have been caught dead with her. Okay, I'm exaggerating to get my point across, but only very slightly.
Again, I like her character very much from a 21st century perspective. I would even go so far as to say that the title refers to herself - she's the one with True Grit. But from a 19th century perspective? Fuhgeddaboudit.
I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.