If you can dismiss the sixties version from your mind, you'll find that this one is plenty entertaining. Both are solid films, and are really pretty similar, they're both true enough to the book that there are only small differences in the script.
2010 plusses: That Hailie girl seemed much younger than Kim Darby had, the Mattie of 1969 seemed like a young woman, the Mattie of 2010 seemed like a child. That made it all seem that much more perilous. And I always enjoy seeing Jeff Bridges.
1969 plusses: John Wayne being all iconic, and genuinely funny in places, not that Jeff Bridges wasn't good. (He's always good.) But other than Wayne, I think the thing that made the 1969 version so much fun was its excellent score! Really, it has a wonderful score that really adds to the sense of fun and adventure.