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UPDATE: Aside from an E1 first look deal that gives them a TV home, Hayter and Carver have found the backing that will finally give Hayter a chance to become a director, after a decade of futility on projects he generated as a writer.

Thanks to an overseas distribution deal made with French company TF1 and financing by Winchester, Hayter is looking at a July start on Wolves, an $18 million budget thriller that nearly got going once before at Crystal Sky until the credit crunch. Hayter describes the picture as “Twilight with a bit more bite to it, and without abstinence.” Hayter said he de-constructed past werewolf films, took out the mythology that haunted the screen adaptations, and found a way to make it a metaphor for a teen maturing sexually into adulthood, at the age when young men howl at the moon. While Hayter had Thomas Dekker and Ray Stevenson lined up for the Crystal Sky version, casting is just getting underway. Canada-based E1 will handle Canadian distribution on Wolves.



What???? NEW CAST????? No way!! that sucks, the old cast was brilliant!!!
