MovieChat Forums > Wolves (2014) Discussion > Okay here's the deal on this movie...

Okay here's the deal on this movie...

It's a werewolf movie written and directed by David Hayter (writer for Watchmen, X-Men, and voice of Solid Snake).

It will star Thomas Dekker and Ray Stevenson and be produced by Benedict Carver as the first film for Dark Hero Studios, a new company from Hayter and Carver.

DH says he got the idea for Slaughter's Road when he was offered a bunch of werewolf movies and found so many flaws in ideas for the genre he initially didn't want to do anything involving the genre but was convinced to give it a shot to do something different.


ffx, that's nothing more than IMDb and THR already say. The real question is, did they manage to secure their financing? It doesn't look like they have, yet.




Agreed. This movie by first time director David Hayter was tepid at best. As for the look of the werewolves...a mixed bag. They looked more feline than canine, except for Momoa's (looked real badass). The female werewolf looked sorta
"Avatarish" and not very scary. 😞 Gets a C-(and that's being
