An adult version?

Did I dream it or was there talk of having an adult version of the show with Stephen Fry replacing the rat? I dreamt it right?

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail-R.W Emerson


Not quite;
This is a section of an interview with Laurence Rickard who acted in HH and wrote it too.

~Tell us more about the transfer of Horrible Histories to BBC1 later this year.

-We don’t know exactly when it’s going out, that’s in the lap of the BBC, but we’ve always tried to appeal to both kids and their parents, and this is hopefully going to introduce Horrible Histories to a wider audience. Stephen Fry was top of our list to host the show, and we didn’t think he’d say yes, but he did, and he was really positive about the show. It’s a really nice moment when someone of his calibre thinks it’s funny!"

So yeah!


From what I've heard it's basically highlights from the first and second series', just without the Rat.

The content (sketches) itself is the same, and also from what I've heard it that it will be broadcast on Sundays at 18:00!/lazbotron

This is Laurence Rickard's twitter with info about the show and what is going on

---We will rule over all this land and we will call it... This Land.---


Ahh so I was half right but it's really just a repeat of what's gone before! At least it may be more acceptable for adults to watch

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail-R.W Emerson


Did anyone see this Tuesday's "Kids" version of Horrible Histories. I nearly fell off the sofa laughing when they did the sketch about the man trying to smuggle weapons into Rome getting arrested for having a sausage in his bag, and the guard called him a "Sausage Smuggler". Bit saucy!


Stephen Fry version is a bit of a waste of time but I guess if it reaches an audience that wouldn't normally watch CBBC then it's got some value. But essentially it's a cheap clips show.

Just a painted face on a trip down suicide row


But it's a clips show with Stephen Fry (National Treaaaaasuuuuure!)


"looking out his window in his loft at night!"

I love that song!
